chapter twenty.

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Ty took Elizabeth and her girls to the club the next day, he wanted them to meet the rest of his family.

Wolf and the guys all met them at the door throwing their arms around him in brotherly hugs while the women immediately swooped in to welcome Elizabeth and the twins. He glanced over once to make sure she was okay and not overwhelmed, she was smiling timidly at the other women while clutching a twin to each side.

"Its so nice to meet you," Lacy said with a wide smile.

"Its nice to meet you too." Elizabeth replied quietly.

"Oh my where are our manners? I'm Morgan and this is Lacy and Jenny. You've met Becky and Laurel is in France."

"Oh, France always looks so glamorous on television," Liz supplied.

"Last we heard she loved it their, her and her husband Ivam are expecting this first baby." Lacy piped in.

"Oh, that's exciting."

"Yes, it is, and who are these little beauties?" Morgan asked leaning to the twins level.

"This is Janey and Julie my daughters."

"Hello girls, I'm Morgan and I have a little girl about your age her name is Iris would you like to play with her?"

The twins hesitated a minute and then slowly nodded in unison. Morgan smiled brightly and then offered each of them a hand which they timidly took. She turned leading into the building behind her.

"Come on inside, sit, have a drink." Jenny said smiling at Liz.

"Oh, I'm afraid I'm not a big drinker." Liz said gently.

"That's just fine I can drink enough for both of us," Lacy said throwing an arm around her shoulders and leading her inside.

The club was dark and crowded men sitting at the bar, other playing pool. Some had women wrapped around their bodies as they drank and played their games.

Liz watched a second then hurried away keeping her eyes downcast.

"Sorry, I'm so used to the lifestyle i forget what a shock it can be to outsiders," Lacy said as they passed a couple in a dark hallway, his pants around his ankles, her skirt hitched up pinning her to the wall.

"Oh, its....uh...its fine." Liz stuttered.

"Really want to impress Ty, huh?" Lacy teased.

Liz blushed but didnt reply they lead her to a small room in the back that had been converted for women and children. Light yellow paint, grey carpet, and some couches along with a mini fridge and plenty of toys.

"The guys made us this for our more delicate tastes," Lacy said with a smile.

Liz sat on a couch and glanced briefly at where her twins were happily playing with a plastic shopping set along with Iris.

"So, dont keep us in suspense. How did you meet Ty and how are things going?" Jenny asked with a wide smile.

"Uhm he helped me with my car at a gas station....I'm afraid I was rather rude. I just....he frightened me," she said sheepishly.

"Nothing to embarrassed by, the bike look can be intimidating." Morgan added.

"Anyway, I offered to make him dinner to make it up to him and he...he just stuck around. He's been amazing with my girls."

"Ty has always been great with kids," Morgan said.

"He's been great to me too and I haven't always made it easy."

"Yeah that seems to be the norm around here, all our guys like the dififcult women."Jenny teased.

The other women laughed as Morgan popped open a bottle of white wine in the corner filling a few glasses.

"Here," Morgan handed Liz a glass.

"Oh, thank you."

She took a timid sip and it was good, so she took another.

"Its great to see Ty settling down some," Jenny added.

"I wouldn't call it settling down exactly, we havent really put any labels or anything on it."Liz said slightly embarrassed.

"Hes settling down, if you knew Ty lile we do you'd realize that. Dont worry it's a good thing." Lacy said.

Liz smiled carefully, the other women seemed nice and immediately welcoming but the familiarity they assumed she had with Ty made her uneasy. What if it didnt work out? What if things went sour fast? Would they blame her?

She stayed with the other women a few hours while Ty caught up with the men, her girls had fun playing with Iris. Other than they're cousin Hannah they didnt have a lot of experience with other kids, something she felt guilty for.

They ate a large grilled meal the club provided and seeing Ty polish off his third beer made her antsy. She hadn't been around him yet when he drank, he ex could be deadly when drunk and the idea that sweet Ty could turn on her was nearly paralyzing.

Finally, it was time to go back to the motel and she shoved her nerves away as he approached her and the girls. If he went off on her she would have nowhere to go, when realized now how stupid going away with him so soon may be. He smiled at her as they walked to the car and opened the door to help her buckle the girls in place.

"Did you have a nice time?" He asked as they pulled out onto the street.

"Yes, all the ladies were nice," she said quickly.

"You know, you dont have to lie. If you hated it here, if you hated the club and everyone I would understand. I would take you home."

"I'm not lying."

He seemed to accept her answer this time as he drove down the darkened streets toward the hotel, the girls sleeping peacefully in the back after playing all day.

They reached the motel and Ty carried Janey into the room while Liz carefully followed with Julie. By the time she reached the room he had pulled down the blankets and lay Janey down, carefully peeling off her tiny pink shoes and purple socks.

She watched him a minute other than her brother she had never seen a grown man be so gentle with a small child. She lay Julie down next to her sister and copied his actions before covering them both.

"I think I'll head to bed, if you dont need anything." He said.

"No, I'm fine."

"I'll let my side of the door unlocked but you can lock yours if it makes you feel better."


He took a step closer then stopped, she saw his fist clench tightly at his side and felt her heart speed up. He smiled a small crooked smile.

"I....I really want to kiss you but I might not stop if I do." He said softly.

Her eyes must have reflected her fear because he gave a small nod and a heavy sigh. Settling a small kiss on her forehead instead.

"I wont hurt you, I wouldn't force you," he said.

"I know." She said softly.

He gave another small nod glanced back at the sleeping girls and them quietly slipped out of their room via the front door.

Elizabeth stood there a long minute she wanted to follow him, it scared her how badly she wanted what he was offering but she fell hard and fast before and it Turned bad just as quick, she couldn't shake the part of her too afraid to try again.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now