Chapter Fourteen.

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As promised after finishing the fence and lunch which both girls ate everything on their plate at Ty loaded both of them and Liz into the truck he was renting, thankful it was a full size and allowed the girls to ride in the back.

"Where is the best ice cream place around here?" He asked, pulling onto the street.

"Blue cow!" Both girls chimed in the back seat.

"Alright, blue cow it is. Where is that...exactly?"

Liz pointed to a road.

"Take a left and then it's a few miles outside of town."

"Not a problem, what are we getting ladies?" He asked glancing in the rearview mirror.

"Chocolate!" Janey cheered.

"Strawberry!" Julie chimed in.

"How about you?" He asked glancing at Liz.

"Oh, no, I'm fine."

"Come on you helped paint, we couldn't have done it without you, could we girls?"

"No," They agreed in unison.

"See? it's unanimous."

She fell silent and he shrugged, one way or the other he was going to make sure she got ice cream along with him and the girls.

The blue cow was a small ice cream stand sitting in a small field, a parking lot to the left and plenty of picnic tables and a swingset to the right. No indoor seating and a window to place your order.

The girls hurried out of the truck and up to the window, stretching on their tiptoes to place their orders as Ty and Liz approached behind them.

Liz smiled as they each were handed large cones that were nearly toppling over, they walked slowly to the table as Ty produced his wallet and placed his own order and then a chocolate sundae for Liz.

He turned to hand it to her and she took it with a small and shy smile, walking to the table and sitting down with the two girls.

"What do we say?" She prompted.

"Thank you," They said as Ty settled next to her.

"You're welcome, you guys earned it."

They ate their ice cream, in a hurry to play on the swingset and running off as soon as they were able.

"This means a lot to the girls, I appreciate it. They don't get ice cream and sweets very often."

"It's my pleasure, they're great kids."

"They are, they deserved so much better in life than what they got." She admitted.

"You're a great mother, they're happy and well taken care of. Given the circumstances, I think you're doing a fabulous job."

"I should have gotten out of that relationship sooner, I never should have stayed as long as I did."

"People make mistakes, you're only human." He said gently.

"I know but... I should have known. He wanted to get married so young and his father overbearing. I thought he was the one, you know? He got in fights a lot but...I thought he would calm down. So...we got married. On our wedding night he insisted we not use any birth control, it was my first time and...he wasn't all. He got me pregnant on our honeymoon, he insisted I bear him a son but we had the girls."

"He's a bastard, any man who uses sex as a weapon is a bastard," Ty said.

"When the girls came he was so angry, they weren't boys and they were so small, so delicate. They came almost a month early. He insisted we start trying again for a son almost as soon as I got home, three days after the twins were born I had to go to the hospital, he had torn my stitches... I stayed because...I was young and stupid and had two babies."

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