Chapter Seven.

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The next morning Ty got up and had breakfast at a local diner before heading over to Lizzie's house to finish the porch, as he ate he couldn't help notice the many sweet treats inside a large glass case.

He eyes cookies, cupcakes, and other sweets, he debated taking some for her and the kids but then passed on the idea.

He paid his tab and drove to her house, like before her kids were in the yard playing. When he pulled up they both froze and stared at him but this time didn't run.

"Hi girls, how are you today?" He asked approaching the fence.

They watched him warily as he grew closer, their eyes never leaving his frame. He pushed open the gate carefully and they both stumbled back some.

"Hey, it's okay." He said in the softest voice he could manage.

The one girl reached out grabbing the other one's hand and squeezing it until both their fingers turned white.

"Hey, I was thinking about bringing you two some sweets. Do you like chocolate?" He asked.

The first one pulled hard on the other ones arm and together they ran into the house. He sighed, they were terrified of him and he didn't know how to remedy it.

He walked to the porch and grabbed a tape measure measuring a board he had cut the day before, a few minutes later Lizzie joined him.

"The girls said you were here," she said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I think I spooked them. I try not to but..."

"No, it's okay. It's not you, they've been through a lot."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. They seem like good kids."

"They are but...they haven't learned yet that not all men are like their father."

He didn't reply, he wasn't sure what he should say. He didn't want to pry into her private life but he was curious as to where their father was now.

"I'm going to be here a few days, I want to do the fence and a few other things. I hope they get a little more comfortable."

"I'm sure they will be fine."

He was about to speak when he heard a car door slam and both of them turned, a silver Cadillac was parked behind his truck and a man in a suit was coming around the hood. Lizzie visibly paled when she saw him and took a step closer to Ty.

"Liz, where the hell are my kids?!" He demanded coming through the gate.

"They're not here," She said quickly.

"Where are they?" He asked stopping close enough to tower over her.

"They're with my brother."

"Don't lie to me!"

"I'm not!"

He glanced at Ty, seeming to debate the other mans presence then turned back to Lizzie.

"Listen bitch they're my kids too so don't think you can tell me when I can and can't see them."

"They don't want to see you!" She yelled back.

"I don't give a fuck! Give me my kids!"


Without a warning the man shoved Liz, she would have fallen back to the ground except Ty caught her against him. Pulling her up onto her feet he pushed her behind him, stepping closer to the man.

"I think you need to leave," Ty said.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm the guy that's going to knock your fucking teeth in if you don't get out of here."

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