Chapter Eight.

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The next morning Ty again returned to the diner for breakfast this time picking out some tiny lemon squares to take in hopes of winning over the twin girls.

He had them placed in a small pink box with yellow polka dots hoping the bright colors would entice them even a little bit.

He pulled up in front of the small house but today the girls weren't in the yard. He assumed it was because Liz was afraid of their father driving by and seeing them and he didn't blame her.

He could use the front door today since the porch was finished and it felt good walking across the sturdy, solid boards. He knocked and in seconds Liz opened the door, he almost thought she had been waiting for him.

"I didn't think you would come back," She admitted when she saw him.

"I told you I plan to finish that fence."

"Yeah but...after Mitch..I didn't think.."

"I can handle myself, it's going to take a lot more than him to scare me off. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"I brought some treats, I thought maybe the girls would be interested." He handed her the box.

She turned and it was then he saw the two girls standing just a few feet away watching the adults.

"Look, girls." Liz said.

As soon as she turned with the box they both ran, disappearing down the hall.

"I'm sorry," She said turning back to him.

"No, it's alright."

She set the box of treats on a stand next to the door.

"Will you stay for dinner?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

She gave him a timid smile and he turned exited the porch and heading to the fence that he was in the process of repairing.

He worked in the hot sun for most of the day and didn't see Liz or the girls, somewhere around mid-afternoon however he heard the front door and turned to see Liz coming across the porch.

She crossed the grass that he now realized needed to be mowed to where he stood next to a section of fence he was repairing.

"I brought you some lemonade," She said handing him a glass.

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

He used the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his eyes, before taking the cold glass and a long drink.

He glanced at the house and from the large window could see two small faces peering out from behind the curtains.

"Not brave enough to come out with you?" He asked motioning at the twins.

"I'm afraid not."

He took another long drink but didn't comment.

He handed her the empty glass and she took it a second later with a smile. He imagined in another time and another circumstance she would be pretty, her blonde hair was long and thick even in its ponytail, her brown eyes were large and innocent looking but also sad. Her figure was engased in tight blue jeans and a black tank top which did a lot for her small waist.

"Do you happen to have a lawn mower around here?" He asked.

"Yes, but it doesn't work."

"Do you mind showing me?" He asked squinting against the sun to look across the yard.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now