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Wolf was sitting at his desk going over the newest invoices for the garage when Ty walked in, he could tell by Tys face what was coming.

"So, you've made a decision?"


Ty laid his leather jacket along with his animal patches on the desk with a heavy sigh.

"You sure about this?"

"Yes, I'm sure. You've given me a great home here you guys will all always be family but, this isn't what I want anymore."

"You could keep the patch drive down there and see her. Get a feel for what's going on and come back ir you needed to. Once the patch is gone...there's not turning back."

"No, I gotta prove to her I want this and I have to make the decision on my own."

"Did you talk to Zeke about it?"

"Yeah, he was actually really happy with it. He never wanted me up here in this life anyway."

"Okay then, you're always welcome to come by and stay in touch but you're officially no longer a member of the Animals MC."

Wolf stood offering Ty his hand in a firm but warm handshake.

"Thanks, Wolf."

"Good luck."

Ty smiled and released the other man's hand then turned and exited the club.


Two months later...........

"We were just thrilled when we heard about Christopher and Zoey. She's a lovely girl and we know he loved Marie, him staying single Won't bring our daughter back and Hannah adores Zoey." Marie's mom said, smiling at Liz.

"I know Chris was nervous to tell everyone," Liz said.

"Marie loved Zoey so we do to."


At this time Janey and Julie rushed by with Hannah and a few other local girls scqualing and flying streamers as they bounded into Chris's yard.

Balloons and banners hung everywhere at Hannahs birthday the colors primarily black and purple.

The birthday girl herself wearing a superwoman costume instead of traditional clothes. Liz watched the girls a second before ducking into the house and walking to the kitchen.

"Okay, I think we are ready for...." She froze.

Beside Chris stood a man she hadn't seen in two months.

"Hey, baby."

"Ty? What are you doing here?"

"I invited him," Chris said.

She didn't reply as Chris picked up a tray of cupcakes and walked to the door leaning in to whisper in her ear.

"Don't screw this one up."

"Hi, I didn't mean to startle you or ruin your day," Ty said not moving from his spot by the sink.

"No, no, you didn't. It's nice to see you," she admitted.

"I, um, I bumped into Chris downtown and he...mentioned it was Hannahs birthday and you would be here."

"Wait, in town? What were you doing in town?"

"Well actually I've been living here," He admitted.


"Yeah two months ago I walked into the club and I gave them my resignation. I drove back here and I got a job and a small apartment. I drive by once in awhile but I just never had the nerve to stop."

He shrugged and she moved closer walking to stand in front of him.

"Why didn't you call me or text me or...why would you come back here?"

"For you, and Janey and Julie. I love you and you're my family. This is who I am and I wanted to prove to you that this is the real me, a family man."

"I didn't want you to lose everything for me, I didn't want to ask you to give it all up."

"You didn't ask I wanted to and I did and I'm here to ask you to give me a chance to be who I really want to be."

She moved first going up on her tiptoes, oen hand clutching his t-shirt the other gripping the back of his neck and kissed him.

He kissed her back pulling her closer, and bending so she could drop to her flat feet.

"Hey guys, we are about to sing," Zoey said popping into the kitchen and lifting a small batman cake from the counter.

Liz pulled away from Ty looping her arm in his and leading him into the backyard where everyone had gathered around a small picnic table where Hannah sat.

Zoey carefully carried the cake and sat it infront of Hannah lighting the candles and giving the girl an affectionate squeeze.

Liz noticed Chris backing away from the crowd and the picnic table as the everyone began to sing.

As the song finished Zoey leaned next to Hannah.

"Make a wish," she said softly.

"I wish daddy would marry Zoey!" Hannah cried happily before blowing out the candles.

Zoey flushed a dark red color before clearing her throat.

"Oh, Hannah....sweetie.."

"Zoey," Chris interrupted.

The crowd turned with Zoey to see Chris down on one knee holding a blue velvet box with a sizable ring nestled inside.

"Chris....it's too soon...I..." Zoey flushed even more and looked around the crowd.

"Zoey, stop. It's not too soon, I have loved you....for a long long time, I know everything about you and we have been a team Hannahs entire life. I don't need to date you any longer to know I want to marry you. It's all up to you baby. Do you want to marry me?"

She bit back tears as she gave a quick nod.

"Yes. I do. I want to marry you."

He stood taking her in his arms and dipping her back for a long kiss as the crown cheered. When he stood her back on her feet he slipped the ring on her finger and framed her face with his hands.

"I love you, and you plan whatever you want wear whatever you want. Just tell me the date and I will be there 2 hours early."

She laughed and he kissed her again as Hamnah rushed over.

"How was that daddy?" She asked as he lifted her into his arms.

"Perfect!" He praised.

"Were you surprised?" She asked Zoey.

"Yes, I was. Are you sure you're okay with this?" Zoey asked.

"I'm sure!" Hannah said reaching for her.

Zoey took her giving her a tight hug.

"I love you so much Hannah,"

"I love you too mom," Hannah whispered squeezing Zoey even tighter.

Chris saw the tears in her eyes and dropped a quick kiss on Zoeys head.

"Come on you two, let's get some cake."


I'm sorry to my followers that it took so long to finish this book, it was hard writing the last chapters knowing I was saying goodbye.
Good bye to this series, these characters and even this genre.
I have loved being a part of your reading experience and appreciate every review and like I receive.

This isn't the end of my time on wattpad or my writing I can promise that. I have books left to finish ( the stolen wife) and (the other sister) and I have a few books planned that I do intend to start in the new year however for now this is the end of biker romances for me.

I plan to lean more into suspense, drama, thriller and even maybe a little bit of erotica in the upcoming new year. I might return some day to the biker world but in the meantime I hope you stay with me and give some other books a chance, I promise I have lots of good books coming that are very special to me.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now