Chapter Thirteen.

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When Liz woke up the first thing she noticed was that Ty was gone, she sat up looking around but saw no sign of him. She stood walking to the girls' room she opened the door and saw no sign of them either.

Panic constricted violently in her body, was he working for Mitch all along? Had he taken her girls? What if he was some pervert and he was waiting for a chance to take her babies?

"Girls?!" She rushed down the hall and into the kitchen.

Ty was standing by the stove flipping pancakes, Julie was seated on the countertop stirring more pancake mix while Janey stood on a chair next to Ty, dutifully holding a plate for him to deposit the pancakes on.

"Hi, mommy!" Julie beamed happily.

"Oh, Hi Princess. What are you doing?" She asked stepping into the kitchen.

"We're making Pancakes! Chocolate chip ones!" Janey supplied as she tried to balance the plate.

"Careful, don't want to drop those," Liz said to her.

Ty carefully took the plate from Janey and switched off the stove, motioning at the table.

"Alright ladies, sit. Time to eat."

Janey jumped off the chair and Ty lifted Julie from the counter, both of them hurrying to sit at the table. Ty slid pancakes on each of their plates as well as on plates for Liz and Himself.

She weakly moved to the table and sat down, releasing a shaky breath. They were okay, they were fine actually. She had gotten worked up over nothing and now the shock had subsided she felt shaky.

"Are you okay?" Ty asked, glancing at her and she wondered if she looked as sick as she felt.

"I'm fine, I just got a little shook up when you were gone this morning."

"Thought I skipped town?" He teased.

She glanced between her two girls who were digging into their pancakes then shrugged.

"Something like that."

"I got up and the girls were already in the living room, I knew they would be hungry and I just thought pancakes would hit the spot."

"We helped," Janey said.

"I couldn't have done it without you, after breakfast we can finish off the fence," Ty said.

"Ice cream too!?" Julie asked.

"If you eat a good lunch and your mom says it's okay," Ty agreed.

The girls both turned hopeful eyes to Elizabeth, Ice cream was a luxury that under normal circumstances they couldn't afford. She tried to keep her girls happy and Chris often sent them treats but they were small and usually far between.

A part of her felt guilty by accepting, Ty had already done so much for them and had gotten nothing in return but seeing how happy her girls were, how much he had pulled them both out of their shells made it impossible to say no.

"I think that will be fine if you eat lunch."


Chris took off work on Friday, wanting as much time as possible to get ready for his dinner with Claire. He had made Zoey promise to take the day off, insisting she worked too hard and deserved a break.

Now as he stood in his kitchen, Hannah still in her pajamas, his house in disarray and not a single thing cooked for dinner he wished Zoey had stuck around.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now