chapter nineteen

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Ty drove the long drive home reaching his hometown late that night after having to stop several times for potty breaks and food.
Usually he traveled alone or with his brother and the club, they kept a grueling pace that most people wouldn't be able to keep up with, he liked that pace and the easiness of it. However, he found he liked the slower pace even better. Seeing things through the girls eyes with wonder and excitement of the journey.

He rented a motel with two rooms that were connected by a door wanting Liz to feel comfortable and have her own space. When they got to the motel both girls were asleep in the back seat.

"We can go to the hospital first thing in the morning, " Ty said as he parked in front of the building.

"Sounds good, but I dont know how late the girls will sleep."

"It doesn't matter, we can sleep in get a late breakfast. I'm beat from the drive anyway."

He went inside and got the keys while Elizabeth carefully unwrapped the girls seatbelts, when Ty came out he handed her the first key.

"Thank you, for this."

"I dont want you to feel pressured into anything you're not ready for. I brought you with me because whatever this is between us I want you and the girls to meet my family. Not because I wanted to get you alone and guilt you into sex."

She offered him a timid smile as he leaned into the car and carefully lifted Janey into his arms, Elizabeth hurried ahead to open the door to her room and let him inside, keeping a watchful eye on the car.

Ty carefully lay the sleeping girl on one bed and then returned for Julie, laying her next to her sister he carried in the large duffle bag that was Elizabeth's and then both of the tinier bags.

"I will be right next door if you need me," he promised.

"Could we open the door....the one between?"she asked carefully.

"Yeah, if you're sure. If that's what you want."

"I would feel safer if...if we could get to you in an emergency."

"Okay, I'll unlock my side when I get in."

He left her room and entered his own, immediately unlocking the adjoining door and opening it. Then he dropped his duffle bag on the first bed and began digging in it for his gun just in case. He was award of Liz coming into his room and standing just a few feet away watching him.

"I dont bite," he pointed out.

He pulled his gun from his bag and set it on the night stand next to him, making sure the safety was on, the chamber was empty and the clip wasn't fully in place.

"Thank you again, for bringing us." She said still watching him but not moving from her spot.

"I wanted to."

He zipped his bag and dropped it onto the floor, he wanted the time with her she was timidly giving but he was tired and stiff from the long drive.

"I enjoy your company Liz but I'm exhausted," he said finally looking at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry I dont wanna keep you up." She said quickly.

"Its okay," he moved towards her every intention of kissing her goodnight but the instant he moved she flinched away as if he intended to strike her.

"Woah, Liz...I'm not going to hit you." He said gently as he walked closer.

"I didn't mean to keep you up," she said again.

"It's okay, theres nobody else I would rather stay up with."

She looked up at him, it was the first time in their relationship she initiated and maintained eye contact for any real amount of time.

"You dont ever have to be afraid of me," He said reaching out to tuck her long blonde hair behind her left ear.

"I know, I just..."

"You dont have to explain it to me."

"I just wanted to say thank you and goodnight," she said with a soft sigh.


She watched him a second then stretched up just a little and kissed him, his hands dropped to her waist encouraging her to continue but gentle enough to force her.

He dipped his head down so she could fall back onto flat feet and not break their connection as her arms wound around his neck.
He wanted to deepen the kiss, crush her body to his, and take control so badly that his hands began to shake but he forced himself not to.

When she pulled away she offered him a timid smile and he returned it, his heart hammering so hard it hurt.

"I want to see where this can go, whatever this is with us." She admitted.

"Me too."

"But I need to take things slow."

"I know, you take the lead you tell me when you're ready for more and I promise I'll be ready too."

She smiled a little brighter then kissed him again a little lighter this time.

"Goodnight." She said pulling away.


He watched her leave the room but she left the door between them ajar and he saw the light switch off before hearing the springs on the bed as she climbed in.

With a heavy sigh he climbed into his own bed and switched off the lamp, he could wait some things were worth waiting for.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now