Chapter Two.

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Ty was in his hotel room, gathering his things to leave. After a good nights sleep, he was ready to head back onto the road. A knock on his door drew his attention, he couldn't figure out who it would be since he didn't know anyone in this town.

He opened the door and the woman from the gas station stood on the other side.

"Hello," He glanced around but didn't see the two kids or her brother.

"Hi, uhm...I don't know if you remember me..."She seemed nervous.

"Lizzie, right?"


She wiped her palms on her jeans and glanced nervously around the parking lot behind her.

She had let her blonde hair down and was wearing tight blue jeans with a dark blue button up tank top. Nothing was out of the ordinary except the strange behavior.

"Do you want to come in?" He offered, moving back slightly.

"No." She shook her head quickly backing up a step.

He put up his hands in surrender, clearly, his polite offer had spooked her regardless of its innocent intentions.

"I just wanted to thank you for trying to help me yesterday and apologize for...Julie's behavior."

"Hey, there's nothing to apologize for, I didn't mean to scare her."

"Yeah, I know. She's...been through a lot."

"Well, I appreciate the visit."

"I wanted too, make it up to you. I...I thought I could make you dinner."

"That's not necessary," He said, he could tell he made her just as uncomfortable as he did her children.

"No, I know it's not but...I want too."

"I really should be moving on," He said, leaning against the doorframe.

"Well, thank you. For trying to help me and my girls."

She offered him a weak smile and then turned to cross the parking lot, he noticed she didn't have a vehicle.

"How did you get here?" He asked, stepping outside.

"My brother is the sheriff, he found out where you were staying and dropped me off."

"How far away do you live?"

Even though they were up north it was a hot summer day and he didn't want her walking far in the heat.

"If I walk to the police station my brother will give me a ride home, or one of his deputies."

"I can give you a ride, it's the least I can do."

"That's okay." She shook her head and kept walking.

He watched her a little longer then shook his head, he should leave town and never look back, complete his mission for the club. Instead, he found himself jogging to catch up with her.

"I would love to come for dinner," He said.

She kept walking as she spoke.

"You don't have to,"

"No, I want too. I haven't eaten much since I came to town."

"Okay, I live on Hemlock street the other end of town...the last house on the lane it's small and white."


"Seven o'clock tonight?"

"That's fine."

"Okay." She smiled and then continued down the street letting him alone.

He watched her go not sure at all why he agreed to dinner with her and the kids who were clearly terrified of him. What if her brother showed up? cops made him uncomfortable.

He debated not showing and just leaving town, he didn't owe her anything and she didn't owe him a dinner.

His mother would roll in her grave if he just skipped out on a woman after making a promise to come by for dinner, and he wasn't sure he could stomach the guilt.

A homecooked meal would be nice he supposed and he could leave as soon as he was finished eating and put this town behind him.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now