chapter twenty six.

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Morgan, Lacy and Lizzie all sat at one of the round wooden tables back at the club. Lizzie drummer her fingers on the cheap table top and the girls did their best to seem calm.

"He will find them," Morgan said with conviction her face didn't match.

"Yeah, I'm sure they're on their way back right now," Lacy chimed in.

Lizzie swiped angrily at the tears in her eyes but gave a small nod and weak smile.

Morgan's phone hummed and she grabbed ot quickly answering.


"I have the girls," He said immediately.

Morgan felt the tension in her own shoulders ease and she sighed weakly. Her hands shaking she turned to Liz.

"Wolf has your girls," she said.

"Are they okay? Where's Ty?" Liz begged and Lacy reached out to put a hand on her shoulder.

"Ty?" Morgan asked.

"Call Zeke, meet me at the hospital with Liz, I'll have the girls with me."

"How bad is it?" Morgan asked her stomach turning.

"It's bad," Wolf said honestly.

"We'll be there."

She hung up and turned to the women.

"Wolf wants us to meet him at the hospital," she said gently.

"My girls, are my girls okay?" Liz asked.

"I think they're fine. Ty....needs a doctor."

"Let's go," Lacy said standing quickly.

Liz copied her and so did Morgan, together the three or them piled into Morgans car and drove to the hospital downtown.

Morgan parked near the emergency room and had barely stopped before Lizzie was rushing inside. She saw Wolf sitting in a chair inside and hurried towards him, he stood as she approached.

"My girls?!"

"They're getting a snack, they're alive, they're scared but okay."


The twins ran down the hall Liz meeting them halfway and collapsing into the hall her arms going around each girl.
She sobbed into their tiny shoulders as they helped hold her up and clung to her.

Morgan and Lacy stepped inside just as Liz pulled away to examine each girl as if she didn't recognize their features.

"Are you hurt? Are you okay?" She asked.

"One of them....took a nasty beating. If you want a doctor to check her out I can make sure they keep their mouth shut about it," Wolf said.

Liz gave a feeble nod and he motioned to a doctor who wasn't far away.

"Mommy, we were so scared."Janey said.

"I know, I'm so sorry,"Liz soothed.

"Where is Ty?" Morgan asked and Liz turned towards Wolf for an answer.

"Sugery, he's pretty beat up too."

"How bad?" Lacy asked.

"He was shot once, he's pretty beat up was stabbed...well sliced it's deep he lost a lot of blood. When I got there...I thought I was already too late."

"And.....and Mitch?" Liz asked.

"You don't have to worry about him anymore."

She swallowed and turned back to the girls pushing their curls from their faces.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now