Chapter One.

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Ty left early the next morning wanting to be as far North as possible before nightfall, he had made good time overall but as he pulled into a sleepy little town boasting of a population of 500 he was losing daylight.

He pulled into a small and slightly seedy looking gas station, there were was an old station wagon sitting off to one side, so old he didn't realize they even still made that model.

Parking his bike and swinging off he walked into the tiny gas station, it smelled bad and the floors were sticky but he ignored that as he moved down an aisle.

He was heading for the coolers when the sound of small squeaky sneakers came around the aisle and a tiny body slammed into him, nearly knocking him down.

He stumbled back grabbing onto the shelves for balance as well as grabbing the tiny human who had taken him out at the knees.

He steadied himself then looked down, his hands gripped the shoulder of a small girl. White blonde hair in a long ponytail, porcelain white skin, and vibrant blue eyes gazed up at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Her lower lip started to tremble and tears filled her eyes, Ty assumed she must be hurt and knelt down.

"Sweetie, did you hurt yourself?" He asked.

She squirmed trying to pull away, shoving at his arms and whimpering. He held her tighter, confused and concerned.

"Hey, hey, it's okay."

She froze and it was then he realized his knees were wet, glancing down he saw a small puddle forming around her tiny pink shoes and her pants were soaked.

"What the hell?" He stood up quickly and she winced away.

He instantly released her when he realized she was afraid he was going to strike her, at that second a woman came around the corner and seeing him standing there near the child rushed over.

"Can I help you?" She asked, pushing the child behind her.

He noticed another little girl of the same height was also ducking behind the woman, each child gripping a hand.

"She ran into me, I just wanted to make sure she was okay." He said.

"She's fine, we would be even better if you left us alone." The woman said.

Taking each child by the hand she pushed past him and hurried down the aisle the two little girls stumbling to keep up, Ty watched them go.

He looked down at his large hands and wet knees and felt guilt wash over him, the poor thing was terrified of him and had every right to be.

He was a stranger and an intimidating one, his blonde hair was cut short and neat the same as his goatee, that was where the stand-up citizen disappeared.

He had dozens of chains hanging from his belt, his biker boots made him a few inches taller, his leather jacket with the many patches of his club was worn and he wore a ring on nearly every finger.

He shook his head whatever issues that kid had were not his problem.

He got himself a bottle of water and asked the clerk where he could find a hotel for the night, he was directed down the street to a local bar that rented rooms upstairs.

He exited the gas station and was aware of the sound of a car trying and refusing to start, turning his head he saw the beat up old station wagon and inside was the woman and two little girls.

He swung onto his bike shaking his head, he thought about leaving them there. The woman was rude and none of them was his problem, he was in the process of starting his bike when he looked up.

The woman tried in vain to start the car and then sat back and wiped a tear from her eyes, Ty broke down.

"Shit," He mumbled.

He climbed off his bike and strode across the parking lot, leaning down he knocked on her window.

She jumped and then looked up at him with tears in her beautiful blue eyes, he glanced at the little girls who were holding hands and looked terrified.

Slowly she rolled down the window.

"Pop the hood," He said gently.

"What?" She asked softly.

"Pop your hood, let me take a look."

She gave a small nod and a second later the hood unlocked, he walked around and lifted it, the motor was old and just as rough as the rest of the car.

He checked all the obvious and quick fixes but finally determined the old car had simply had enough, closing the hood he went back to her window.

"I think it's shot," he said.

"You can't fix it?" she asked.

"No, I doubt anyone can as old as this clunker is."

She bit her lower lip and looked around the gas station parking lot then glanced behind her at the two girls.

"Okay, thanks anyway."

"Is there someone you can call?" He asked.

"I'll call my brother, thanks."

Ty gave a small nod and she continued to sit there, she didn't get out a cell phone or make any attempt to call anyone.

"Are you going to call?" He asked.

"I...I don't have a cell phone." She admitted.

"In this day and age?"

She slowly shook her head and he sighed fishing his from his pocket he handed it to her in the window, she hesitated before taking it and dialing a number.

"Hey, Ray it's Lizzie is Christopher there?"

She was quiet a minute obviously listening to whoever was on the other end of the line.

"Oh, okay. Just tell him I need a tow truck at the gas station when he has a minute. Thank you."

She hung up then handed him his phone with a forced smile, Ty glanced around the mostly abandoned gas station.

It was getting dark and the two children didn't seem to like the dark, he felt bad leaving her alone stranded.

"Is he coming?" He asked.

"He's busy but...I'm sure he will."

"Where do you live?" He asked.

She looked reluctant to tell him and he didn't blame her, he was a stranger who had terrorized her child in the gas station.

"I can walk you three home if it's not far."

"No, that's okay."

"Listen, I don't want to hurt you or your girls. I'm just not comfortable letting you stranded here."

A second later a sheriffs car pulled in behind him, a young sheriff climbed out and stormed towards them.

"Are you okay?" He demanded.

"I'm fine Chris."

"Uncle Chris!"The two girls got out of the car and rushed to him attaching to his legs.

Seeing they were all okay and her brother was there Ty excused himself. He climbed on his motorcycle and rode away.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now