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Huge thank you and tons and tons of credit goes out to @HearlessVibes1 for the amazing cover she designed for this book with very few ideas. 


Ty laughed at his brother Zeke's joke as he took another long drink of his cold beer, his brother's girlfriend Becky could be heard bustling around in their kitchen.

"Babe? Are you okay?" Zeke called out to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," She called back her voice tinged with annoyance.

"Zeke, I promise if she goes into labor she'll let you know," Ty teased.

"You don't understand, she could give birth any day now," Zeke replied.

"I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen that fast."

"That's not the point, I'm going to be a dad any day. I'm not ready."

"You'll be great, you raised me and I know you're more than qualified," Ty promised.

After their parents died while Ty was a teenager Zeke had become his full-time caregiver, he had made his mistakes but overall done the right thing by Ty and he knew the big rough brother he loved would excel at being a father.

As for Becky, Zeke's girlfriend she had been a family friend since they were children, her and Ty close in age had been inseparable growing up, for a time in his earlier adulthood until a few months ago Ty had thought himself in love with her, after realizing how deeply Zeke loved her Ty had bowed out gracefully.

There had been friction at first but now Ty was looking forward to having a niece or nephew and seeing Zeke and Becky so deliriously happy was his favorite part of his life.

Becky waddled into the living room, her belly so swollen that her tiny frame was almost completely hidden. She was carrying popcorn and two beers.

"Baby, I could help." Zeke stood to take the bowl and beers.

He handed one beer to Ty and then collapsed on the couch, Becky sat on his other side. She stole the bowl of popcorn scowling when Zeke reached for some.

"Hey, I'm eating for two." She said.

Ty laughed and Zeke smiled warmly at her, placing a large hand on her stomach.

His brother was so over the moon happy with his life, his woman and his child and Ty felt a twinge of jealousy. He wanted a wife, children and yet he was still single while all his friend at the motorcycle club was falling in love.

They watched a horror movie and Becky fell asleep halfway through when Ty left the lovebirds were making out on the couch. He shook his head as he closed the door behind himself at least she couldn't get more pregnant.

Tomorrow he was heading North, the Motorcycle club that he and Zeke both worked for were recruiting and Ty being the only one of a higher rank who was single was sent to do it.

He swung onto his bike and headed to his small apartment across town, barely any furniture and nothing personal. His apartment was sparse and perfect for his lifestyle of constantly being gone.

He walked to the tiny fridge in his even tinier kitchen twisted open a beer and then walked back to the living room, collapsing onto his leather sofa. He had to be up and go first thing in the morning. 

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now