Chapter Eighteen.

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Ty was early showing up to Liz's the next morning, she opened the door still in her pajamas and he knew both girls were most likely still sleeping.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stop by so early." He said as she stepped aside to let him into the house.

"It's okay, I was awake."

"The girls still asleep?" He guessed.

"Yeah, they stayed up late last night they'll sleep in for sure. Can I get you some coffee?"


He followed her into the kitchen, taking in her appearance. Pink and Purple striped pajama pants, pink fuzzy slippers, and a purple shirt. She hastily pulled on a large pink robe to cover herself as she walked through the living room into the kitchen.

He took a seat at the small and scarred up kitchen table while she poured his coffee and then without asking put some toast in the toaster for him.

"I...My sister in law had a baby...last night." He said.

"That's wonderful," She took the seat across from sipping her own coffee.

"I need to go home, see my brother and my new niece or nephew."

"Of course."

"I...I want...I mean...I was hoping that maybe you would come with and the girls."

"Oh, I don't know."

"I want you to meet my brother and my friends and see what my life is like without you."

"I don't know, I haven't left town since I came home and...I..."

"I know it's an odd request but...I like you, Liz, I want to see where this can go with us and I want you to get to know me, the real me. Who I am when I'm not fixing fences."

She fell silent, staring into her cup of coffee. He briefly worried if he had overstepped his boundaries if he had frightened her if he had misread their relationship.

"I won't pressure you or try and take advantage. I'll make sure that you and the girls have your own room, your own space if at any time it's not working you say the word and I can have you home in a matter of hours."

"I...I don't know if my brother would think that's a good idea. I barely know you."

"I'll talk to him if you want, it means a lot to me."

She bit her lip then slowly she shook her head.

"No...we'll go...I...I would like to meet your family."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yes. When would you like to leave?"

"As soon as you can pack and the girls are up."

"Okay, they should be up soon...should I pack some sandwiches and maybe snacks for the road?" She asked, she sounded hesitant and he wondered if this was something that would have set her exhusband off.

"That would be fantastic," He said with a smile.

He stood and moved around the table, leaning down for a long but gentle kiss.

"I'm gonna go pack my bags, I'll be back for you in two hours." He said after he pulled away.


He kissed her forehead then exited the kitchen, walking back through the living room and to his truck, he would rent a car and pack his bags then be back for her and the girls by mid-morning.


Packing didn't take long and when he arrived back at the house Liz and both twins were waiting on their sturdy new porch.

Each girl had a pink barbie suitcase on wheels and a purple backpack, Liz held her own black suitcase and a small lunch cooler.

He smiled as he hurried up the sidewalk to take their bags, the small suitcases were easy to lift with one hand.

He reached for Liz's suitcase and she hesitated.

"Come on baby, let me carry your bag." He pressed.

"I can get it myself," She offered softly.

"No, don't be ridiculous."

She handed him the suitcase but didn't hand over the small lunchbox. Her and the twins followed him up the sidewalk to the SUV that he had rented, he opened the passenger's door and helped Liz climb inside. Then he helped each girl into a booster seat before tossing the suitcases in the back.

He climbed into the driver's seat, pulling on his seatbelt and double-checking his mirrors.

"Did you call your brother and tell him you were leaving?"

"Yeah, he actually....took it better than I thought. You must have made a good impression on him."

"That would be a first for me."

He pulled the SUV onto the street and headed home, the only home he had ever known, the only family he ever had and deep down he hoped that Liz and her children fit into that picture.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now