Chapter Five.

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The next morning Ty went to a local car rental place and rented a large truck, then he went to the local supply and hardware store where he purchased everything he would need to repair Lizzie's porch.

He wasn't sure what it was that drove him to want to help her, to go out of his way to repair her home but it was something he had wrestled with all night.

He reached the house by early afternoon and saw the two girls were playing in the yard, they were in matching yellow sundresses, their blonde hair in two long braids as they ran around the yard.

When he shut the door on his truck they both froze staring at him as he started for the gate.

"Hey girls," He said with a smile.

Without a word they both turned and ran into the house, slamming the screen door behind them. He stood in the yard, unsure of what to do.

A second later the door opened and Lizzie stepped onto the rickety porch, she was confused and he didn't blame her.

"Hi," He said taking a few steps closer.

"Hi. What are you doing here?"

"I...I wanted to do something nice for you and...I thought maybe I could fix the front porch."


"I just noticed it was pretty shitty and I was thinking about if one of your girls fell through and...I was hoping you would let me fix it for you."

She crossed the porch in question stepping down onto the sidewalk and walking closer to him.

"I can't pay you...I don't have the money to..."

"No, it's on me." He interrupted.

"I can't let you do that," She said softly.

"Yes you can, I want to. I insist. No strings, no payment."

She glanced behind him at the truck that was full of supplies and chewed her lower lip, then slowly she gave a small nod.

"Okay, at least...let me make you dinner the nights you're here."

He gave a small nod, if making dinner would convince her to let him help he would accept another hot meal or two.

"I'll get started today," He said.

"That's fine. I'll be inside if you need anything."

She turned and disappeared inside and Ty moved back to the truck, pulling out the boards and supplies he would need.

From the window, nearest the porch he could see the twins peeking out between the curtains at him. When he smiled and waved they both ducked inside and out of sight.

Shaking his head he got to work on the porch, determined to make as much progress as he could in the time he had left of daylight.


Neither of the two girls came outside for the rest of the day as Ty worked but several times he caught them watching him out a window while ducking behind the curtains.

He had laid down a need wood frame and was measuring the boards when a patrol car pulled up, he glanced up and then stood as the sheriff climbed out of his car. Walking around he opened the back door and a small girl jumped out, smaller than the two inside.

She rushed up the sidewalk to the house as the sheriff pulled three large paper grocery bags out of the trunk.

"Who are you?" The little girl asked, a few feet away.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now