chapter twenty five.

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It took Ty almost his full thirty minute head start to reach the coal mine that Liz suggested he try.

The buildings were tall, high grass and a field standing between it and the main highway, a dirt road wound to the building.
The windows were smashed out the metal siding rusty but nearby sat a fancy new car, and a window was on in one room.

To the far right were several high piles of dirt and even deeper pits that had been abandoned when they ran out or coal.

Ty shut his bike off letting it coast to the building, he slid off and in a crouch walk approached the building.

Peering in through one of the remaining, filthy windows he saw the twins.
They were sitting on a single mattress alone, with a blanket, beside them was a bad of food and a small TV was on, there was no sign of Mitch.

He saw a door to his left and hurried to it, turning the knob he was surprised it wasn't locked.
He stepped into the tiny, disgusting room and Janey immediately perked up.

"Ty, you came for us!" She launched herself against his chest in a tight hug but Julie didn't move.

"Of course I did baby, of course I did." He soothed holding her close but watching her sister.

"I want to go home," Janey said.

"We are, I promise. Come on Julie," He held out his hand and Julie shrunk away, slowly shaking her head no.

"Hey, what's wrong? What happened?" Ty asked.

"Julie....tried to runaway.....Daddy....hit her."Janey said softly.

Ty moved easing onto the mattress beside Julie, she had pulled her knees to her chest and a tear rolled down her already tear stained cheek. Carefully he moved her shirt away from her small back and just as Janey said he saw the belt marks.

His hands shook as he released her shirt and he saw red, in that moment his stomach turned and it took everything in him not to trash that room and hunt down the man who had touched her.

"Julie....look at me," He said as softly as possible.

Her blue eyes went to his face but her lower lip trembled.

"I am right here, I'm going to hold your hand and we are leaving right now and I promise you, I promise he's not going to do that again. Do you trust me?" He asked.

She gave a small nod and wiped her nose and he held out his hand again.

"Then let's go."

She took his hand this time Janey taking his other as they exited the building. As if on cue the headlights on the car flicked on, illuminating the trio.

They stopped and Ty slowly released the girls. They ducked behind his legs but he didn't move. The door opened and Mitch climbed out.

"Janey, take Julie... Go back inside and turn up the television." Ty said gently.

Immediately Janet grabbed her sister and the pair rushed back inside slamming the door behind them.

"You've got a lot of nerve showing up here," Mitch said.

"I came to take what's mine," Ty replied.

"I assure you those are my girls, and if you leave with them you'll be charged with kidnapping."

"You kidnapped them first."

"No, I still have rights to them. My wife is still legally my wife, no divorce or custody case has ever happened. Did she tell you she was married?"

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now