Chapter Eleven.

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Over the next few days Ty spent as much time as possible with Liz and her two girls, they finished the fence and had ice cream. He ate dinner and lunch with them every day and night and after finishing the fence immediately began on a swingset which the girls helped draw designs he could never really make.

He fell into a sort of routine, breakfast at the diner and a sweet treat picked out for the girls. Work all day with two small shadows helping him and constantly getting in his way, then lunch was usually eaten outside. After that, he worked alone usually because the twins had lost interest in whatever project they were doing.

Liz would make dinner they would all eat together then the girls went to bed and after helping Liz clean up the kitchen he would go home.

Today was different though, he knew as soon as he got to the house something was wrong. The girls weren't in the yard and the door wasn't open. When he opened the gate it fell off the new hinges, someone had obviously kicked it in, rather than using the latch.

He walked up the sidewalk onto the porch and knocked on the door repeatedly but got no answer, panic began to choke him.

"Liz!? Julie! Janey! It's me Ty!"He called, beating on the door.

He tried the door and it swung open, he then noticed the doorknob was broken and the tiny gold chain as well. Tossing aside the cookies he bought the girls he rushed inside.


He found Liz face down on the living room carpet, a potted plant was upset dirt everywhere, the curtains were ripped down and she was unconscious.

"Liz," He dropped to his knees rolling her over carefully.

Her one eye was black and blue, her lip busted, a cut on her cheekbone as well as a large bruise, her eyes slowly blinked open.


"It's me, it's me, I got you."

"My girls, where are my girls?"

"Janey! Julie!" He called out but didn't want to leave Liz.

"Find them, please go...find them," She begged.

He glanced around then stood, he checked the kitchen first but saw nothing other than two untouched bowls of cereal and a carton of juice on the table, the bathroom was empty as well, Liz's bedroom also showed no sign of either girl.

He went into the second bedroom, a small bed on either side of the purple room but no little girls.

"Julie, Janey."

He was about to exit their room when a soft noise stopped him, he froze in the doorway listening he heard it again.

He turned and ducked looking under the bed to his right and found the twins, hugging each other close through their tears.

"Girls," He let out a sigh of relief and reached for them.

"Ty.."Julie croaked.

"It's me, come on babies, come out."

Together they both climbed out and Julie immediately clung to his chest. He held her close, breathing in her scent and reaching for Janey who backed out of his reach.

"They broke in, they hurt mommy," Julie said and his heart broke a little.

"It's okay, I know, I'm here now. I'm here."

"Is she dead?" Julie asked, squeezing him tighter.

"No, no. She's okay, are you hurt? are either of your hurt?" He asked, setting Julie away and looking them both over.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now