Chapter Seventeen.

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"Zeke! Zeke!" Her voice sounded far away and it took Zeke awhile to wake up fully blinking at the clock beside their bed, it was four in the morning.

"What is it, Becky?" He asked, half asleep.

"I think I'm in labor."

He shot up in bed, swinging his feet over the edge and grabbing his pants from the chair.

"Did you time the contractions? How long do we have?" He asked.

"I did and...I don't think we have very long...I...I'm not sure we're going to make it." She said.

"No, we'll make it I promise I'm going to get you there."

He grabbed her bag from the chair swinging it over a shoulder then hurrying to help her climb from their bed, they made it to the doorway before she doubled over crying out in pain.

"It's okay, it's okay," He soothed.

After a few long seconds, she gave a small nod and they began painstakingly making their way through the house. Every few steps they had to pause and every time he hoped that they could make it to the hospital.

He was relieved when they reached the car and she could rest in her seat, he felt helpless during a contraction but at least now he could focus on the drive to the hospital.

"Zeke...I...I don't think we're going to make it," She said again as they pulled onto the street.

"Shh, just try and rest. It's only twenty minutes to the hospital."

They reached the highway only to find it was a complete traffic jam due to an accident at the next exit.

"Oh no," Becky moaned.

"I'm sorry, it's okay, they'll move," Zeke promised.

"No, not the doesn't matter...I...I can feel the baby coming."

He felt his stomach drop and he briefly wondered how Becky was so calm, This was nothing like their plan and she hadn't had anything for pain.

"What..what can I do? What do you need?"

"Pull over," She cried as another contraction hit.

Swallowing past the lump in his throat he drove onto the shoulder of the highway, jumping from his seat and running to Becky's side and opening the door. Whatever was going on now didn't seem to let up as she continued to cry and scream without any of the previous breaks.

"Breathe Becky, come on breathe for me." He pleaded.

" gotta catch the baby," She managed before another scream.

"No, no Becky...I can't. Let me run up the road there's an ambulance and ...and...emts..."

His protest was interrupted by another scream and he winced.


"Zeke, you have to! I can feel it, it's coming."

He gave a small nod and carefully pushed her nightgown up over her hips, trying not to jostle her or cause her more pain. She wasn't wrong and the baby was already crowning.


He barely had time to react to the shock of what was happening before Becky let out another scream and his baby slid into his waiting arms.

He caught the baby against his chest grabbing a sweatshirt from the floor and wrapping the small infant inside, Becky collapsed against the car seat, suddenly exhausted.

"You did it, you did it baby," He said his arms and hands shaking his voice unsteady.

" the baby okay?" She asked weakly.

He glanced down at the infant who was wailing like a banshee, it's red face scrunched up and tiny fists waving.

"Yeah...he's...he's perfect," Zeke said suddenly feeling choked up.

He carefully with shaking hands handed the baby to Becky who weakly took it in her arms with a tired smile.

"He is perfect." She said as the baby began settling down.

Zeke watched her a minute then glanced around to see traffic slowly crawling forward. He carefully closed her door then walked back to his side, pulling back onto the highway.

"I'll get you to the hospital as soon as I can," He promised.


"Are you okay? Are you alright?"

"Sore and exhausted but...I'm okay."

"I'll call everyone as soon as we get there, Ty will want to come home and meet his nephew." He said.

"That's fine close did you look at the baby?" She asked.

"Not that close, I was kind of panicked. Why?" He asked.

"Because it's not a's a girl."

"A girl...are you sure?"

"I'm positive," She said with a small laugh.

" she okay?"

"She's perfect, absolutely perfect."

They pulled into the hospital twenty-five minutes later and as nurses and doctors flooded the car taking Becky and the baby away Zeke managed to calm down from the adrenaline long enough to call Ty.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now