Chapter Twelve.

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When Chris got home the porch light was on like always but this time the lights were on in the house as well, lots of lights which was odd.

After sitting in the break room with Claire he had been on cloud nine at work, she was good for him and he was excited for their upcoming date night with Hannah.

For the first time since losing his wife he thought he may have a chance at obtaining the life he once hoped for, maybe another wife and more children were in store.

He stepped into the house and couldn't hear either girl, setting his coat aside and kicking off his shoes he stepped into the kitchen and froze.

"Happy Birthday!" The two cried.

There were balloons everywhere along with a large banner that read Happy Birthday, both of them were wearing pointy party hats and on the island in the kitchen was a cake that looked like Hannah may have decorated it with candles.

"You guys..."

"Did we surprise you!?" Hannah asked from where she sat on the counter next to the cake.

"You sure did."

Hannah clapped happily as he loosened his tie and moved towards the cake, birthday was misspelled and the icing was a mess, it was perfect.

"What a great cake," He said.

"I decorated it all by myself, Zoey baked it."

"All I did was work the oven you did the rest," Zoey replied.

Hannah beamed up at him and he smiled back, glancing again at the cake.

"Make a wish," Zoey said from beside him.

"What could I possibly wish for? I'm the luckiest guy in the world." He teased.

He blew out the candles and Hannah cheered while Zoey produced a knife and some party plates.

Zoey cut a slice of cake and placed it on a plate handing it to Hannah first along with a fork. She mad two plates for herself and Chris handing him one.


"No problem."

"I can't believe you guys remembered," He said.

"Of course we did."

"Wait until you see the presents!" Hannah said excitedly.

"You guys didn't have to get me presents, really."

"Of course we did," Zoey said with a smile shaking her head.

After cake, they moved into the living room and Chris collapsed onto the couch, Hannah bouncing on the cushion next to him. Zoey returned with two boxes, one wrapped in construction paper with crayon drawing covering it, the other plain blue paper.

"Mine first!" Hannah cried.

Zoey handed him the one wrapped in construction paper and he opened it, inside was a shoebox, inside that a picture of 3 stick figures and a house it was in a cardboard frame that was decorated with colored uncooked macaroni.

"Wow!" Chris praised.

"I drew it myself and made the frame for in your office!"

"You made this? That's amazing!"

"It's you, me and Zoey and our house!" She said pointing at each figure.

"I see that."

He kissed the top of her head before carefully setting the picture aside, Zoey handed him a blue package and he hesitated a minute then opened it.

Inside he found a shiny new badge, with his serial number, name, position, and the town name, it was a legit badge heavy and sewn onto a leather backing and a chain to hang around his neck.


"I saw it one of those magazines you always have laying around and I looked nice."

"It's beautiful but...I can't take this, I can't accept this, it's too much."

"Of course you can, you do so much for me."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, okay. You need to go to bed, it's past bedtime." She turned to Hannah lifting her off the couch and disappearing upstairs with her.

Chris looked back at the badge lifting it from the box, he had been looking into getting a new one for some time. His was an older one that was handed down from the previous sheriff, tarnished and clip on with nothing to distinguish as his.

He heard Zoey come down the steps and watched her stride passed the living room to the front door, he stood going after her.


"Yeah?" She was pulling on her ankle boots.

"Thank you for everything...I...I forgot it even was my birthday."

"You'd forget your head if it wasn't attached you work too hard."

She laughed and pulled on her other boot turning to grab her purse, she opened the door and he caught her arm.


She turned to look up at him, she was so small compared to him. Short and thin, he hair dark brown hair was almost black and straight barely brushing her shoulders, pale skin with large brown eyes. He didn't see any uncertainty or confusion in her eyes, she trusted him wholeheartedly.

He reached out before he could stop himself, his hand stroking through her hair, then he slid the cardboard part hat off her head with a smile.

"Don't know if you want to go out like that," He said past the lump in his throat.

"Oh! I completely forgot it was there."

He managed a small nod, aware his other hand still rested gently on her arm, his thumb sliding back and forth over her smooth skin.

Quit it, you're being a creeper. He scolded himself and let go.

"I'll see you tomorrow," She said with a smile.

"Yeah, sure thing."

She pulled a pair of headphones from her backpack, settled them over her ears and disappeared out the front door.

He locked the door and waited until he knew she was probably too far to see the house then turned off the porch light.

Thirty-Five, he was thirty-five years old and suddenly that felt ancient. 

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