Chapter Six.

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Ty worked all day on the porch, when night finally fell he had the framework finished and was starting to lay down the floorboards, he could finish it and be on his way by tomorrow evening, but the longer he worked on the porch the more things he noticed around the small house that also needed repair.

The fence was becoming a huge concern, one of the girls could easily be taken from the yard or run into the street, he couldn't stand the thought.

The back door opened and he could hear someone walk around the house, Lizzie stepped into view.

She handed him a glass of water and he took it with a small smile, sitting down on the framework.


"It's the least I can do."

She sat down next to him, careful to keep some distance between them. He had eaten the dinner she made on the porch so he could work as he ate and to keep the girls from being more uncomfortable with his presence.

"I was thinking maybe after I get this porch fixed I could fix that fence for you, then you don't have to worry about the girls running off."

"Why are you doing all this? It's not that I don't appreciate it because I really do don't even know me."

"I know I can't explain it but I want to help you, I don't think I could live with myself if I left you living in this condition."

"I can't pay you...I don't have the money and if you want sex..."

"No, no," He interrupted shaking his head.

He took a drink of water and then stood, walking across the yard.

"I'll be back tomorrow to finish this porch and measure the fence, you don't owe me anything I just want to help."

He stepped through the rickety gate aware that it was barely even on its hinges anymore and walked to his rental truck, he would have to call Zeke and tell him what was going on. He knew his brother was too busy anxiously awaiting his baby to care if Ty was behind schedule.

Zeke and Becky had decided to be surprised with the gender which was slowly driving Zeke crazy. He was looking forward to having a son that he could teach to play sports, ride motorcycles and bond with.

He was driving down a quiet street when he fished his cellphone from his pocket and called his brother.


"Hey big brother, how are things back home."

"Becky is doing some weird...nesting phase. She's cleaned every inch of this damned house twice."

"Still no baby?"

"No, not yet. Any day now."

"Listen, I stopped in this little town and...I think I might stick around for a while if that's alright with the club. I should be almost to Canada by now but...I just..I need this break."

"Is there a certain reason you're staying there or maybe...a certain someone?"

"Not like that, I met a woman she's got two kids...they live in a rundown shithole of a house and I want to help. I can't explain it."

"Is she pretty?"

"Yeah but it's not like that, I barely know her."

"Ty, everyone in the world who has ever fallen in love at one point barely knew the other person."

"I'm not in love with her, I just feel bad."

"Okay, I think you've been working hard and deserve a break. If there's something in that town that...catches your eye then...I think you should stay."

"Okay, you'll keep me updated on the baby right?" Ty asked.

"Of course. You're going to be an uncle any day now."

"I can't wait to meet the little guy."

"Me either," Zeke agreed.

"I'll let you go, I just wanted to call and touch base with you."

"Keep me updated, okay? If you get in any trouble all you have to do is call and I'll be there."

"You can't leave Becky and the baby but I appreciate it."

"Be careful," Zeke warned.

Even though Ty was an adult and even though he was used to being on the road alone Zeke always reminded him to stay safe and insisted he check in regularly.

"I will, you be careful with that new baby when it comes."

"I will."

Ty ended the call as he reached his hotel, it felt good to do an honest days work for someone else. Ty loved the club, they were his family and he loved them all but their business wasn't always legal and they weren't upstanding citizens. They recently came out of a long, drawn-out war that had been a blood bath that almost cost Zeke his life.

Seeing Wolf settle down with Morgan and Iris, Demon and Lacy finally move in together on a more than friends basis, Sky and Jenny admit they loved in each other as more than step-siblings and then Zeke and Becky starting a family made Ty wish he could have the same thing.

He took a hot shower and then laid in bed and watched old re-runs of Cheers until he fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.


Chris stood in the break room at the station, it was a mostly quiet day which was a relief the small station was always short staffed. The entire staff consisted of him, one elderly secretary three male deputies and two females. He had begged the mayor several times for a bigger budget to hire more help but so far no such luck.

He loved his job, the town was mostly quiet and safe almost all their calls were kids pulling pranks and lost dogs but some days were hectic.

He was stirring his coffee when Clair walked into the room, she was a petite blonde, small but fierce. He knew she could hold her own against the criminals in town despite her size.

She smiled at him as she poured her own coffee.

She was pretty, beautiful really but looking at her he just didn't feel a spark or connection, not like he did with his wife.

"Claire, I was wondering if...if maybe you would like to go out with me this week."

"I...I would absolutely love too," she said, turning towards him.

"Okay...Friday? at seven? I can pick you up."

"I'm looking forward to it," She said with a smile.

"Me too."

"What should I wear?"

"Dress nice, I'll get a reservation somewhere."

"Okay." She took her coffee and quickly exited the break room, he watched her go with a heavy sigh.

He liked Claire and so did Hannah but he was a little nervous he hadn't been on a date in years.

His life had been on hold since his wife died, he knew that. He had always planned on having more children, he loved kids but after she passed he didn't plan on having anymore.

Now he wondered if there was a chance his life could continue, he could date and find a good woman for Hannah to look up too, get married and possibly have more children.

He wasn't getting any younger if he wanted a chance at a life he needed to act now.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now