Chapter 17: Eri's Mischievous Mission

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A/N: I swear to god if this doesn't come out on time I'm going to headbutt the front of a car. And I can hear you asking, which car? I've got it all planned out. I'm gonna find an Aston Martin and failing that, a BMW. And if I can't find anything, then I resort to headbutting my laptop, which means uploads will be even further behind, so now I have an incentive to not screw this up. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

"No one important, but I do have an interesting idea..." she said, laughing to herself, with the three boys looking at her, waiting for her next words.
"I just messaged a friend of mine, and he-she said that she saw 4 girls walk into a karaoke place, and Nejire was talking about a karaoke place when she was here. Considering how long it would have taken them to get to one, I think they're at that new Shidax that opened up nearby" Eri explained, trying to use confidence so that no one caught her slip up.

(A/N: Shidax is a Karaoke chain in Japan, and since every single author's note that's in this book has me tell you all how I didn't get any sleep, well, I don't know if i'll get any sleep. I'm writing this, it's just the start and it's already 12am. This is 200 words in, I have 1800 or so to go. Anyways, on with the chapter!)

"Can't help but notice two things there. One, Mirio's too lazy to drive, and two, you slipped up when talking about that friend of yours, mind telling us who "he" really is?" Izuku asked, emphasizing the pronoun in his sentence, as he looked at Eri, who was slowly losing her confidence.

"I- fine. His name's Kota, and I go to school with him. Happy?" Eri replied evasively, choosing to give the most generic answer she could think of.

"Eri, before Deku questions you in the most cliche way possible, just admit that you like him. You literally blushed a bit as you said his name, or maybe my eyes are lying to me, but it looked that way" Katsuki said apathetically.

"I wasn't going to be that you said it. But he's right Eri, just admit it, I mean you already told me, what's wrong with telling them?" Izuku asked, being a little more serious now.

"Well- like- it's embarrassing! I don't even know if I like him, I don't know how I feel, and Izuku you're the only one who can help and now it feels weird saying this in front of the two of you!" Eri whined, blushing profusely as she grabbed a pillow and covered her face.

"You know we could start a pillow fight and it would be fair game?" Mirio joked, trying to lighten the mood, before deciding to say something useful.

"And even if you don't know how you feel, that doesn't matter, you'll figure it out. And even then, you're 14. You do not need to worry about all of this, so just take it easy. And tell you what, if these two don't wanna go see Nejire and the others, I'll take you, since I know you wanted to spend some time with Ochako and the other girls as a group before you go to school again, right?" He asked, dropping the trio's jaw as he almost read Eri's mind.

"How the hell did you- Why am I even becoming a therapist, you could just do it better than I ever- My entire life is a lie!" Izuku replied, half overreacting and half astounded, as he watched his friend do the job he had been doing for so long with ease: keeping Eri happy.

"Thanks Mirio...that actually helped. I almost forget how smart you are sometimes, and uh...I'm sorry for hitting you in the balls, and I would apologise to your girlfriend, but...well..." Eri replied, laughing a bit.

"Well one day you may have to if you caused permanent damage, but that's not the point. Now, I think I know the place you're talking about, so now the only question is if you two wanna come?" Mirio asked, standing up and looking at the two boys,  who also stood up after him.

"We'll come, it'll be fun to see Camie" Katsuki replied, being vague with the meaning of the word 'fun'.

"And I'd love to hear you sing terribly, so I'll come too" Izuku remarked, his gaze now on Eri.

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now