Chapter 1: Old Doors, New Opportunities

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A/N: Hi everyone. This is the first 'official' chapter of this story, so I hope you like it. Two things I need to address, Bakugo still calls Izuku 'Deku' but he means it in the same way that Uraraka means it in the original show. Also, i'll be going to visit some family for a few days, so I don't know if next weeks upload will come out of Wednesday exactly, but I'll try my best. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

4 years. 4 years since Inko Midoriya was killed. 4 years of Izuku blaming himself. 4 years of him hating himself for trying to be a hero. But he also had 4 years with Eri. She was the light in his life and made him realise that there was more to life than just himself and his own hatred. And he also realised this, knowing that he had friends and family, but he also had to protect that family. 

His parents were both born as an only child, the same as his grandparents and they were all either dead or missing. The Bakugo family was as close as he could get, but conflicting statements in Inko's will made it hard to discern what to do with the Midoriya family, and specifically their belongings and possessions. After a lot of back and forth the local authorities, the Bakugos and the last of the Midoriyas came to an agreement. Until Izuku was 16 he had to be adopted by the Bakugos for obvious legal reasons, as no 14 year old could or even should have to pay tax on their own, especially since they couldn't get a job. After 16, Izuku could gain possession of all of his mothers belongings, including her life insurance money, which she set up after Hisashi left her, her house and any other personal effects. He could have his old surname back and begin to live with Eri in their childhood home. Finally, since Eri was still a minor, her legal identity, as well as Izuku's still went to the Bakugos, until Izuku turned 18. 

And that he did. It was a journey to get to that all important age. Where you feel like nothing can stop you, the world is all yours and you can go and do whatever you want with no restrictions to hold you back. But if one thing about life is certain, it's that a lot of things never go the way you want them to. Izuku knew this, and he felt a sense of accomplishment, but it was hollow, knowing not only the difficult path ahead, but also the fact that he had to go it alone.


Because, to put it simply, no one was his mother. Eri was too young to understand certain things and she wasn't there to see the life drain from Inko's eyes. Try as she might she could never fully understand what Izuku felt having to watch that. Katsuki Bakugo, or Kaachan as he called him, didn't have the emotional maturity to help him. And why should he? The only way anyone could is if someone had been through an experience just as traumatic. Izuku wouldn't want that for his worst enemy let alone his best friend. And sure he could listen, but all venting does is give you space to pile up new issues and problems. It's like trying to patch a leak with glue, it'll hold for now, but once the build up is too high, the aftermath is uncontrollable. Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo, or Aunt Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru could try, having a child of their own, but they didn't know  Izuku like his mother knew him. They couldn't relate and they were out of touch with how the younger generation thought and how they reacted, so they couldn't be in his shoes. A therapist? No. Even if Izuku did still have time to go and visit one after taking care of his own life and looking after Eri, it wouldn't feel right. Emotions don't show up on a schedule, they show up at random, so trying to schedule when to talk about said emotions is pointless, as Izuku was too busy to remember all of his problems and issues for that long.

So even though Izuku knew he had everyone he needed, for now, he felt hollow. And, quite frankly, tired. He, as well as Eri, had to grow up incredibly quickly and that's not something they were ready for. And now, Izuku especially, needs a breath of fresh air. Something new. A new opportunity for him to feel like himself once again. Now, life has a funny way of showing you exactly what you want to see, and it can also send you on a journey to get there. What's Izuku's journey? Well, all I can tell you is that it's about to begin any second now and trust me, it's one hell of a ride...

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