Chapter 23: A Morning At The Midoriya Manor

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A/N: I'M BACK! LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm so hyped and ready to be back to writing! My schedule's gonna get pretty sparse again in the summer, but I'll give a little more detail about all of that in an announcement on my page, so read that if you want some more info.
All you need to know is that I'm back, and I'm ready to do some writing!
So, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Nejire stumbled out of her car, the morning sun beating down on her neck and arms. It was a good day, almost too good of one, as even her thin hoodie and tracksuit bottoms felt stifling due to the humidity. Feet slammed against the pavement, as she felt like she was moving a mountain every time she took a step, as her heartbeat resonated throughout her entire body, her head throbbing violently, with a migraine piercing through her skull and into her brain.

She was hungover.

Clumsily, she went up the stairs and knocked on the door, hoping they would answer the first time, no, praying for it, she only had the energy to do the bare minimum Luckily her prayers were answered, as the door opened up.

"Hey Nejire, you alright?" Izuku asked, seeing the eyebags and lack of colour on her face.

"Yeah, I uh...I was working a lot, I came to see how my two sons were" Nejire joked, hiding her actual activities from Izuku, and from anyone else. No one else had to know what she went through...


Stupid Toga, why the hell did you ask me that, don't you know..." Nejire asked herself, as she couldn't stop her tears from rolling off her perfectly clear and soft cheeks, as they fell and splattered on her new dress, the white flowers dampening and darkening a little as a result of her emotional downpour.
"You don't know bitch...stop being such a little shit!"

Nejire took a sharp right, taking her down a long open road, already going well above the speed limit, pressing her foot down with such aggression that it was about to go through the bottom of the car, as she opened up the glove box, a small metal flask being hidden inside of it, as she eyed it up, her hand slowly reaching for it.

Taking the vessel out of its place, she proceeded to drink the whole thing in one go, throwing the flask onto the passenger seat, as she closed her eyes feeling the burning sensation flooding her throat.

"Never drink that much vodka in one go again...shit that hurts..." She thought to herself, as she opened her tearful eyes, her foot indenting itself into the accelerator, as she had already floored it, and carried on pressing, wanting to push her leg through the car, at least, that was how angry she felt.

Angry couldn't even begin to describe it. Emotional was better, but what emotions? Sadness, confusion, rage and depression? All of these and more, they were spinning, vortexing in her head, as if her thoughts were bouncing around in her brain, akin to atoms undergoing nuclear fission, and like a nuclear bomb, she felt like her mind would explode at any second.

She could barely hold onto her own sanity at a normal time, and right now was nothing if not abnormal.

Why? Why did she have to feel this way? Why did she have to think these thoughts? Was it wrong? To be different, to feel different things, to look at certain people differently? Why did she have to deal with the pain of figuring all of this out on her own?

For tonight, she didn't want that burden. She didn't want to think anymore.

Swerving through the city roads at night should have been a breathtaking experience, the speed, the exhilaration, the joy of seeing the lights flashing by, it shouldn't have been so... desperate. She was desperate for it all to end, or to be normal, even if that wasn't who she was.

She could feel the G-forces slam her into the car door every time she banked left, tires leaving skid marks, the wind whipped through her hair, as unbeknownst to her, she had cracked her window open earlier.

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now