Chapter 21: A Final Night Of Fun- Part 4

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A/N: I know exactly what you're all thinking...
What? You thought I was gonna prove it? Hell no! I'm just gonna leave it there because there's a small chance someone believes me, and that's gonna screw with them for the rest of the day/night...
These intros are really getting out of hand. I'm tired, also a bit delirious because of life. 
But, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

As Nejire drove through the night, Katsuki and Camie in the back, the two of them lovingly looking at each other, and Himiko in the passenger's seat, who wasn't doing too well sitting in a silent car. 

"Nejire, I've got a question" Himiko asked, turning to face her cousin.

"Go on?" Nejire replied, slowly braking as she arrived at a traffic light, the street being empty since it was so late at night.

"Are you a virgin?" Himiko blurted out.

Nejire floored the accelerator, as the light turned green the second Himiko had asked her question, leading to Katsuki and Camie both simultaneously hitting their heads against each other, something Nejire noticed in the rearview mirror, although her state of extreme embarrassment almost made her miss it. 

"Ahhh! Sorry guys!" Nejire exclaimed, as she furiously blushed and furiously turned into their street, before taking a left to Izuku's apartment complex.

"Nejire? Are you a vir-" Himiko asked again, only to be cut off by Nejire.

"Why do you want to know?!" Nejire yelled out, her face, tone, words, they were all out of balance, as her composure and sense of self were rocked by the sheer awkwardness she felt, as that question was layered and deep, in so many different ways.

"I'm bored, and I wanted to know. When it comes to me,  I'm-" Himiko replied nonchalantly, before once again getting cut off.

"I don't need to know! Just! Go to Izuku's house! And call me when you need picking up! You two, sorry that I ruined your first kiss, now get out and let me drive!" Nejire exclaimed, eyes closed as she tried to get over her extreme, intense feeling of awkwardness, as her body felt constricted by her own blush, as the three teens awkwardly got out of the car, with Toga walking up the stairs to Izuku's place, and Katsuki and Camie began to walk back to the former's house.

Nejire drove off once again, although she obscured her face from the other three, as her heart weighed heavy, and her eyes were filled with tears, as she floored the accelerator once more, driving, but not back to her house, as she found the nearest motorway and went for it. 

"Stupid Toga, why the hell did you ask me that, don't you know..." Nejire asked herself, as she couldn't stop her tears from rolling off her perfectly clear and soft cheeks, as they fell and splattered on her new dress, the white flowers dampening and darkening a little as a result of her emotional downpour.
"You don't know bitch...stop being such a little shit!" 

Nejire took a sharp right, taking her down a long open road, already going well above the speed limit, pressing her foot down with such aggression that it was about to go through the bottom of the car, as she opened up the glove box, a small metal flask being hidden inside of it, as she eyed it up, her hand slowly reaching for it...


"Izukuuuuu! Where's the beer!?" Mirio asked, his larger-than-average body almost knocking a bunch of shit over.

 "Right here" Izuku replied, throwing Mirio a bottle from the fridge, as he fumbled with it and almost dropped it.

"Yayyyy!" Mirio said, popping off the lid with his hands, and he took a swig of the liquid.

"You didn't tell me we had beer?" Ochako asked quizzically, looking at the bottle, before rolling her eyes. 

"Really? Izuku that's grape juice, why- Who keeps grape juice in their house? I'd rather you broke the law and got beer rather than that?!" Ochako exclaimed, perplexed as to what happened, as Mirio looked at the bottle, which he just downed half of. 

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now