Chapter 37: Tell Me Something I Don't Know

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The date was finally over. At a certain point in time, Izuku would have been relieved to hear those words. To finally be free of nerves, to be free of being stuck somewhere he didn't want to be, to be free of someone he didn't want to spend time with.

That wasn't how he felt now. Despite the whole afternoon having passed, he still felt... dissatisfied. He couldn't rest knowing that he would get the chance to be with Momo again. 

To put it simply, he was well and truly smitten. And he knew it.

However, he wasn't the only one aware of just how much fun he was having, as he'd been messaging Katsuki for quite a while, so much so that he'd requested the cab driver change his destination to Katsuki's house.

After all, he could easily walk back to his place once they were done talking. Once he arrived, he carefully grabbed the suit and slung it over his shoulder, walking up to their door and knocking on it, as Katsuki himself answered.

"Sup Deku. Mom and Dad went out to shop, they'll be back in about half an hour if you want to stay over." He said, letting Izuku in.

"I'm surprised Camie isn't here with you, or that you're not with her." Izuku replied, knowing how often both of them met up.

"She's at the library with some people from her course, they have a group assignment." Katsuki explained

"I thought you were the only group project she knew?" Izuku asked teasingly.

"Hey it took at least four scientists to make you in the lab" 

"Excuse me, it actually took seven of them, I'm a prime specimen." 

"Of course you are buddy, you're extra  special." 

"Aww thank you buddy, you always know the right thing to say" Izuku said sarcastically, chuckling at Katsuki's comment as they both entered his room.

"So, how much do you think the suit's worth?" Katsuki asked, watching as Izuku hung it up on the hooks behind Katsuki's door.

"I honestly don't know, all I know is that it's expensive, and tailored, so I have an excuse to not bulk up." Izuku replied, sitting on Katsuki's bed, whilst he sat on his desk chair, the breeze causing his hair and the curtains to billow slightly, prompting him to close them.

"If you think you're getting out of workouts that easily, you have another thing coming." Katsuki said with a grin, "Second of all, you're telling me you of all people didn't see a price tag in there?" 

"It was a pretty fancy place, no price tags, and Momo didn't even get a receipt, since it was a favour." Izuku said, looking at the suit hanging up, his curiosity reawakening as Katsuki asked him so many questions.

"First name basis huh? You guys are getting serious, should I start planning my speech?" He joked.

"I'm on a first-name basis with your girlfriend Kaachan, and I've also seen her half naked. Maybe you want to talk about when we're gonna have a baby once she gets back?" Izuku asked jokingly.

"Did you really have to remind me of that?" 

"Why, you need a few minutes with your phone and some lotion?" 

"Yeah go ahead, you can start messaging Momo  again, loverboy~" 

"Oh shut up, this coming from the guy who snuck out in the middle of the night to see his girlfriend and almost got run over." 

"I didn't say I wasn't a romantic either." 

"Kaachan, I've seen you put Camie in a headlock more times than I've seen MMA fighters put each other in headlocks." 

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now