Chapter 35: Sparking A Competitive And Romantic Fire

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"Yeah, there's a booking under the name Yaoyorozu?" She asked, looking back as Izuku fished his phone out of the car and walked into the bowling alley.

"Yup, there it is. Do you guys have non-marking trainers on?" As both Izuku and Momo nodded, the store attendant continued, "That's great, you can go straight ahead, and you're on lane 7."

The couple walked onto the lanes, and Izuku stepped up to the tablet in the middle of the lane to enter their names.

"Okay, so I'll be first, and you'll be second?" Izuku said teasingly, having a follow-up in his mind

Momo, noticing Izuku's smirk, decided to one-up him, "That's a good start, although I don't want you to get used to coming first~" She whispered, stepping closer to him and leaning in as she spoke.

Izuku felt a blush flow across his face. Still, he managed to keep his composure, "The only difference is that when I come first playing this, I'll be the one on top~" He said back, watching as Momo kept her poker face up, but even the flashing lights of the bowling alley couldn't hide the tinge of red on her cheeks.

"Well, let's find out who's gonna dominate this competition then, shall we?" Momo said, watching as Izuku bowled first, discretely ordering some food and drinks for them as well, making sure to pay upfront. Not that she didn't want him to be a gentleman, but there would be more opportunities for that.

As she looked back, she watched as Izuku smugly turned around, as all of the pins had fallen, with his ego rising by the second.

"Looks like I'm in the lead, it's your turn to catch up, Momo." Izuku teased, as Momo rolled her eyes and stood up.

As she picked up a ball, she made sure to keep a tight grip on it, looking up at the pins before running up slightly. Swinging with her shoulder and then with her arm, she knelt down and released the ball from her fingers, using her index and ring finger to keep the ball in a straight line as she let go of it, watching as it knocked down an impressive eight pins, although compared to Izuku's strike it was still meager.

As Izuku chuckled, he was surprised to see a waiter come up to their table and hand them pizza, fries and two glasses of juice.

"Uh sorry, I think you have the wrong table, we didn't order anything." Izuku said, assuming there was some kind of mixup.

"Ah, wait no, I ordered it for us, thank you!" Momo said, smiling at the waiter as they left.

"Momo, did you already pay for all of this?" Izuku asked, as Momo nodded in response, "You shouldn't have, I would have gotten it." Izuku said sincerely, feeling bad that she paid for them.

"It's fine Izuku, seriously. I wanted to take you out here, consider it my treat." She reasoned, eating a fry before sitting down.

"You said that about the suit as well, come on, are you gonna take charge of everything on our date?~" Izuku asked flirtatiously.

Standing up, Momo made sure to purposefully look down at Izuku. It wasn't like she was much taller than him, but she made sure he knew it with a playful smirk, "I thought you said I was very sexy when I was bossy, hm?" She teased, finally causing Izuku to be flustered for the first time since they got there.

Satisfied with herself, she sat down, as Izuku went up again and bowled, his flustered state causing him to bowl a score of six, even with his second turn, as he embarrassingly missed the second time around. 

"Aww don't worry about it, I'm sure an embarrassing misfire like that won't happen again." Momo said patronisingly as Izuku walked back and took a slice of pizza.

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now