Chapter 50: The Memories We Hide

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"Trust me, this is a good story...." Izuku said, as Eri slowly put the pieces together.

"Wait wait wait... you were sixteen, so that makes Nejire eighteen at the time... and you met in Shibuya..." Eri replied.

"We didn't meet at a girl's bar Eri, jesus, get your head out of the gutter" Izuku teased, knowing he was adding to her sense of shock, but he couldn't help but have some fun.

"Oh sure, because that's the worst place to meet an eighteen year old in Shibuya. Love Hotels, soaplands, brothels, stri-" Eri replied, much more animated than she was a moment ago, as Izuku cut her off.

"You really think they'd let me in? I don't exactly fit in with the average salaryman"

"Hey I also never thought you'd get a girlfriend, but you proved that the universe has a glitch, so at this point, anything's possible." Eri fired back.

"So you're telling me it's possible for you to get a boyfriend? Sorry, I can believe that Mirio would give up drinking, but not that." Izuku replied playfully.

"... first of all, I could. Second of all... fair enough. There's no way he's giving it up." Eri joked, laughing and giggling a little.

Izuku smiled softly, happy that her spirits were lifted.

Hell, happy wasn't even a word to describe how he felt. Excitement, jubilation, elation and an overwhelming sense of calm washed over him. The chaos that haunted his brain, the devils that corrupted his life, and the demons he held inside were all blown away by one single smile, and by the angelic sound of one laugh.

"Hey, Eri. I love you." He said nonchalantly, causing Eri to stop laughing, as she saw how wistful he'd gotten.

"I love you too. I'll love you even more if you tell me the story, but I still love you." Eri replied, wanting to keep the mood light, but she saw just how... peaceful he looked, and she couldn't help but share in that emotion herself.

"Well, what kind of brother would I be if I didn't tell you?" He joked, as he took a breath.

"So, one night, I decided to take the train to Shibuya, since I'd always wanted to go with Kaachan, but I didn't want to wake him up at two in the morning, or rather, disturb him whilst he was catching up on all the shit he procrastinated on. Anyways, I get there, and the train's packed, with like, the most unlikely crowd you could ever imagine." He began

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well, it was a mix of old men, and university students, so one coach was just loud and rowdy, but the other was silent."

"Let me guess, Mr. Boring sat with the old men?"

"Older men aren't really my type, Eri"

"So men are then? Should I give Momo the bad news?"

"Hey, she knows almost everything me and Kaachan have done."

"Almost? Tsk tsk tsk, you shouldn't be lying to your girlfriend."

"Better than lying to your older brother." Izuku replied smugly, shutting Eri up with that one, as he continued.

"I sat with the students, but I just had music on, so they didn't really get in my way, or talk to me. But Shibuya... it was something else. Especially at night. You walk around and you see it all, you can feel the vibe, it's really, well, intoxicating."

"Intoxicating? Why am I not surprised..." Eri commented, rolling her eyes, "But what do you mean when you say the 'vibe'?"

"It's... hard to describe. Everyone's walking around, there's music playing in every bar and there's the bass leaking out of some closed doors, there's screaming and shouting, cheers and laughter, people handing out flyers, and there's barely any transportation, so that kind of ambient city sound isn't there. It's so unique and different, especially for me back then, that I felt like I'd entered another world, where everyone was just, independent, and it just felt surreal." Izuku explained.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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