Chapter 48: Reflections

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Eri stopped for a second outside of the boutique, taking in the sights just long enough to appreciate them, but not so long as to keep Momo waiting.

The brass doors, the sleek modernist architecture, the open glass doors showing off all of the various dresses inside, the fabrics and the plethora of accessories. For such a small store it seemed packed with items more expensive than the car they took to get there. 

Stepping inside, Eri felt the cool air conditioning, as the door closed and the drop in temperature was immediately apparent, relaxing her slightly even though her shoulders were visibly hunched.

"Korekawa-san! It's me!" Momo called out, as Eri looked up, seeing an older woman step out from behind a door, a few grey strands of hair visible even from a distance, but more importantly, a calm smile on her face.

"Momo?" She called out, putting her glasses on, and walking over to the young woman, extending her hands out for a hug.

"It's nice to see you" Momo said, hugging her, as she looked over Eri.

"What's your name dear?" She asked tenderly.

"Eri, Eri Midoriya, it's nice to meet you" She said, even her voice being stiff, as Korekawa let go of Momo.

"I'm Aia Korekawa, the owner of this store, it's nice to meet you too" She said, walking over to the seats and gesturing for them to follow her. 

"So, what brings you here? Don't tell me you're getting married and need bridesmaid dresses already" She joked, causing both girls to laugh nervously, Momo a little more so than Eri.

"It's not like that, I'm here because she needs some bras, I thought maybe you'd have some in stock?" Momo asked, causing Eri to sink further into the velvet seat.

"Shame, I just got some new dresses in, would have made my employee's day if you took them off my hands." She said with a chuckle, turning to Eri.

"Would you like something to drink? Tea, coffee, soft drinks? I have wine in the cellar but I don't trust Momo around it" She teased, as Momo just rolled her eyes.

"I'll take some tea please, and Eri?" Momo asked, putting her arm on Eri's shoulder, hoping to calm her down.

"J-just water please." She answered meekly, unnerving the other two a little.

"Sure thing dear" Aia replied, going off to grab their drinks, as Momo turned to face Eri.

"You know she's gonna have to measure you later right?" She asked.

"Y-yeah, and?" Eri asked quizzically.

"If you're that nervous already, how are you going to feel when she has a measuring tape around your chest?" Momo pointed out, leaving Eri without a response, looking like she just got told off.

Sighing, Momo once again placed a hand on her shoulder, "Look, if you want to go, we can, it's okay, I promise. But you're going to have to get over your nerves about these kinds of things eventually." 

"I know, it's just a bit daunting to show up to a place like this... I'm pretty sure all of my friends just get a 3 pack at Uniqlo and call it a day." Eri replied.

"Sure, but even they have to get over all of the nerves you're feeling right now." Momo said, "Look, growing up as a woman, hell, growing up at all isn't easy. We have to deal with things that we didn't expect to, and think about things we never had to before, it's... messy. You don't always know what it means to "grow up as a woman", or as a person, but it's just something you have to do." She explained.

"All of this for buying a few bras?" Eri joked, trying to lighten the mood, and change the subject at the same time.

"Hey, you're the one who started to overthink it like your brother, if you two weren't so similar then we'd be fine." Momo fired back with a chuckle, "But as long as it makes you feel better, I'll be as corny as I have to be" She added resolutely, as Aia came back, serving Momo her tea, and giving Eri a glass of chilled water, as she took some tea for herself.

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now