Chapter 9: Meeting The Rest Of The Family- Part 1

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A/N: Hi everyone! This is the first time in a while that I've managed to get an upload out in time, especially considering I've been working on 2 things at once.

That's right! I've put out a new story called "The Boy Who Vanished". It's a one-shot that's different than some of the stuff I do because parts of it are based on my life. As some of you know I recently took a mental health break, and during that time and still now I have a lot of, let's say odd thoughts. And that one-shot is like a manifestation of only a few of the things I'm going through, as well as a fraction of the thoughts I had. If you like my writing as well as the stories I come up with, then I'm sure you'll like that one-shot too, so please check it out. 

Now with that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

3 weeks had passed since Ochako moved in with the Midoriyas. And despite the short amount of time that she'd had with them, she couldn't imagine staying anywhere else. 

University, for most, is a time of self-discovery. Making new friends and habits, meeting new friends, and doing new things. Finding a new part of yourself each and every day. You learn to be a truly dynamic person with a polished, refined personality. You know your likes, dislikes, dreams, goals, your greatest strengths, your crippling weaknesses, your purest desires, and your darkest thoughts.

But most importantly, it's about having fun. Because at the end of the day, what is life without the enjoyment that comes from living it? That raw, unfiltered emotion, that buzzing feeling that leaves you no choice to smile like a child once again. It fills you up with an insatiable desire to do more, be more so that tomorrow you can have the best day of your life.

And for Ochako, she couldn't have asked for a more introspective and fun experience. And she had the best people she knew to go along with her on that journey. But as of yet, she only knew two people, and even she knew that she'd want some more friends.

However, today was the day that she would get what she wanted. Today she was going to meet all of Izuku and Eri's friends. Speaking of the siblings, neither of them had woken up yet, which for Eri was normal, but for Izuku was odd, especially since now was the time that he and Ochako would go on a morning run. Going downstairs to eat breakfast, Ochako sees something that surprised her and made her internally die from the cuteness.

On the sofa, Izuku and Eri were sleeping on each other, with Eri's head on Izuku's shoulder, and also partially supported by the sofa's headrest. Meanwhile, Izuku laid his head on Eri's, his arms laying by his legs. 

Ochako, who immediately took a picture of this, decided to quietly and carefully wake Izuku up.

From Izuku's point of view, it was like an angel was whispering into his left ear, his sleepiness forming a swaddle of comfort around him. The gentle sound serenading him deeper into the utopia of sleep.

Until Ochako, ever so slightly, touched his shoulder.

That sensory input was like a jolt of electricity to his brain, immediately at the forefront of his mind, breaking the trance he was in, truly waking him up, instead of being in a lucid state of awareness.

"hnghh... what is it?" Izuku slurred, still tired.

"It's nine o'clock, you wanna get ready for the run?" Ochako whispered, not wanting to wake Eri.

"Really? Damn, I only got 6 hours of sleep" Izuku replied, blinking frequently so that his eyes adjusted to the sunlight that was beaming through their sliding glass door leading to their balcony.

(A/N: Now I know I'm the one writing this, but come on Izuku. 6 hours is more than enough. Just because you're supposed to be responsible and not go to sleep late does not mean you can complain. This rant seems unnecessary. I should really go to sleep huh?)

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now