Chapter 47: Waking Up To the Unknown

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One-night stands. For some, they're a distant memory that had been washed away with more than enough alcohol. For others, they seem like nothing more than a form of primitive, carnal pleasure, only serving to further degeneracy. For a select few though, it was just a normal part of life. Nothing more and nothing less than an escape for a night, or just a fun night in general. 

Awakening early from what little sleep he had, Todoroki felt a sharp, throbbing pain in his head, as if his frontal lobe was being pierced with a hundred needles. He chalked it up to far too much alcohol, and far too little water and food. 

Looking over, he saw the state of the woman he'd shared a bed with a slight smirk spreading across his face, like an artist proud of his creation, though what they'd done was far from an artform. 

Getting up, his feet slamming down onto the shag rug, covering the vinyl floorboards and hopefully dampening the sound of his groggy footsteps, though it was so early that he saw some salarymen running and probably drunkenly stumbling to catch the last train, as he pulled the shades up, letting the cool, morning light into the room.

His eyes squinted from the change in exposure, causing him to step back on something and almost slip, whipping his neck to look at it, only to find that it was his own shirt that he'd now creased and ruined.

Sighing, he picked it up, dusting it off and putting it on, buttoning it up and looking for the rest of his clothes. Trousers, socks, shoes, all sprawled around the room, his jacket thankfully hanging off her door, as he found his belt on her side of the bed, once again unable to contain another smirk, as he picked it up and put it on. 

Patting his pockets, he made sure that he had his phone, keys and wallet before leaving and slamming the door shut in a hurry, pulling out his phone from his hoodie pocket and checking the time.

"By the time I get home and eat something, they'll be busy... fuck it, convenience store it is" 

Putting his phone away, it didn't take him long to find a store, walking in and heading straight for the sandwiches and coffee, letting it brew in their machine as he picked one out, though he didn't spend too long choosing, the drowsiness and hangover affecting his decision making much more than he realised, well, if he ever did realise.

Snatching his freshly brewed coffee from the machine, he grabbed a lid and haphazardly put it on, taking a sip as he reached the counter, gripping the paper and cardboard cup as he recoiled and swallowed as quickly as possible. 

Throwing the sandwich down on the counter, he didn't bother to look at the cashier, as she just eyed him up and did her job, not that he didn't expect it, but it was a surprise to say the least, considering the situations he usually found himself in. 

Paying with his phone, he put it away and grabbed the sandwich, ripping the plastic packaging, throwing it away in the nearest bin, eating it whilst holding the scalding hot coffee, not wanting to test his luck just yet. 

Climbing the stairs of the station, he once again tapped his phone, putting it away instantly, as he finished the rest of his sandwich and took a smaller sip of the drink, which was at a much more palatable temperature, looking up and seeing that the next train would arrive in three minutes, taking a bigger sip, and feeling his drowsiness and headache slowly wear off, the sunlight coming out more and more, seemingly rejuvenating him.

The loud metal screeching of the train's brakes broke the moment of serenity he had, as he lazily got on, his phone vibrating as the doors closed, though with how packed the train was, he had no time to check, though he already knew who it was. 

Looking around, he saw the usual crowd, employees looking to get to work on time, or people travelling to an airport, after all, it was rare for most to be up this early. The sunlight shone brighter as the train travelled further and further into the city centre. 

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now