Chapter 10: Meeting The Rest Of The Family- Part 2

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A/N: Wow that's crazy how this is gonna come out on time! What? What do you mean I'm gonna have to pull 2 all-nighters in a row just to do other work? Isn't 48 hours without sleep a recipe for hallucinations and dead brain cells? 

So yeah, that happened. But hey, I'm still alive, so it looks like this torture will never end. Now I hope you enjoy this chapter because I have to sleep for a very very very long time.

As the trio walked to the train station, they all had distinct reactions to what was going on around them. Some of them acted in ways that would make them look like a hivemind and some reactions made them seem like they came from opposite ends of the earth. 

All three were wearing sunglasses, all three walked in sync with each other, no one ahead or behind. 

But whilst Ochako was looking up at the sun, seeing a burning, incandescent ball of pure unfiltered light being drowned in a sea of blue, Eri was looking down, flicking through her phone, her eyes confined to the 15.7 square inches of her screen. And Izuku was looking directly ahead, his eyes scaling the 6 storey building in front of him, never ceasing to be amazed by how clear the glass exterior was.

They were all, in their own way, preparing. To them, they were simply going to spend a day with their friends. But the universe always has a plan. And that plan is always in motion. Now, that's not to say that you can't affect your life, you can and you will as you wake up day after day. But, some things that happen have a greater effect than most people realise, and today is one of those days. 

So for now, they carry on walking. Putting their best foot forward. 

Walking into the station, Izuku breaks their silence, with a question, "Eri do you see Kaachan?"

"No, I don't. Or Camie either" Eri replied, turning her head to try and find them in the mess of people around them.

"Wait I think I see them!" Izuku called out, projecting his voice so that Ochako and Eri heard him. Pushing through even more people he finally broke through, having to put his head down, slouching so he could avoid people's faces and elbows. In doing so, his momentum carried over as he kept going forward, not seeing where he was going. However, something caught him, stopping him. Opening his eyes, all he saw was the dark blue top that someone had on, until his blood ran cold, hearing the voice of the person he was nestled in.

"Hey, Katsuki, looks like Izuku's bolder than you are!" A confident, feminine voice teased, with Izuku not fully understanding the situation he was in, and he was dreading what would happen if he looked up.

"So Deku, you wanna stop assaulting my girlfriend in public please?" Katsuki uttered, trying his best not to laugh.

"AHH!!! I'M SORRY!!!" Izuku yelled out, having no way of forming words and showing his immense remorse for what just happened.

"Izuku are you alright?!" Eri yelled as well, finally catching up to her older brother and hearing his yell.

"He's fine, although he did just get to second base with me so I don't know if I can say the same for him" Camie replied, smiling devilishly.

"I swear that's not what it sounds like. I just got out of the crowd and Camie was the only thing in my way to stop me." Izuku explained, sweating profusely.

"Oh yeah, that was a great way of demonstrating physics Izuku. Well done, I'm proud." Eri teased, with a grin to match Camie's, as she continued, "So how effective was Camie at stopping your momentum? I mean for that to work the object has to compress down, so go on, share your experience." 

"Yeah, it'll be great for my research Deku. Spare no details" Katuski added on, somehow able to keep his laughter under control.

"I'm gonna go jump on those tracks now." Izuku muttered, having lost the energy to argue with them, with his embarrassment at an all-time high.

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now