Chapter 34: New Experiences

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"So, are you ready for our date?" Momo asked, her voice as sweet as an angel's.

Izuku was still in utter shock at Momo's beauty, standing there aghast at how someone could look this good. He didn't even hear what she said, all he could do was smile and admire her clothes, hair, figure and smile. After a few seconds though, his brain rebooted, and he was able to function as a normal human being.

"Y-y-yeah... I am. You uh, look, really nice" He replied, barely able to form a coherent sentence.

"Why thank you. You look really good yourself, I like the way your overshirt blends with your hair. So, since I suggested the idea for this date, are you ready to have some fun?" Momo replied, placing her hand on Izuku's shoulder, speaking freely, hoping to alleviate his nervousness.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Can you drive?" Izuku asked, looking at the black sedan that Momo stepped out of, not even able to remember that she got out of the backseat, as her beauty short-circuited his brain, and he was still recovering.

"No, I wish," Momo replied, laughing a bit as she did, "She's our personal driver, since it's the weekend, my parents are free, so she'll be taking us around. Get in, and I'll explain more about the plan for today." Momo explained, prompting Izuku to step in, which he did. 

"To the first stop, Nao-san." Momo asked.

"Sure thing Yaoyorozu." Nao replied with a smile, as she turned the car on.

Sitting down, he felt the soft leather seats against his body, providing the perfect amount of support and cushioning. He smelt the maple wood air freshener, as it wafted up and through his nose, calming him with each inhale. Seeing the black interior along with the custom starlights on the roof of the car made him feel like he entered into another world. As the car began to move, he heard the slightest of sounds, feeling no bumps or unevenness of any kind, adding to the luxurious experience.

"This is a really nice car, seems super expensive." Izuku commented as he looked around, taking it all in. 

"Thanks again. Now, here's what I was thinking for today." Momo said, getting Izuku's attention, as he turned to look at her, "We're gonna start off doing some, well let's say shopping. It's a surprise. After that, we play bowling and then go for a walk, ending at a nice cafe. At that point, if we decide to call it there, we go our separate ways, and we stay as friends. If you've enjoyed your time, then we go to dinner, and that's when, if we have to, we have a conversation about where things will go. How's that sound?" She said, giving Izuku time to think and process.

"It sounds... really well thought out." Izuku said, still pondering, a question forming at the back of his mind, "Momo, why did you go to this effort? You told me why you wanted to ask me out, but all of this? It seems excessive for such a casual first date." 

Taking a second, Momo took a deep breath, before speaking, "I just... I don't know. I had a really small relationship in school, and it obviously didn't work out, we were only together for like, a month? I just think that if you're gonna go into a relationship, you should do it properly. Most people in the first year of uni aren't even looking for a relationship, but if you are, then you're probably thinking about it somewhat seriously. Hence why I'm not beating around the bush with these kinds of things."

"I can respect that." Izuku replied, getting lost in thought, as he admired Momo once again. She really was pretty, he couldn't deny that.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit quiet today." Momo asked, concern drawn across her face. 

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, it's just..." Izuku said, hesitant about what to say next, "You're really nice, and sweet, and pretty. I guess I'm just torn between wanting to be open with you because you're nice and there's obviously some level of personal connection we have, or being kind of closed and acting casually and talking about things in a strictly 'fun' way. I don't want to move too quickly or scare you off by being too open. I mean this is all new to me, so, yeah." 

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now