Chapter 20: A Final Night Of Fun- Part 3

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A/N: Okay, so I started writing this the day after I updated Big Sis Nejire, my other story, which means there's a chance that I could be doing a back-to-back upload. Now, am I writing instead of doing the actual work that I need to do? Yes. Should I close this tab? Yes. Will I actually get this chapter done today? Probably not, but there's only one way to find out. 

So with that, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

"Mirio what the hell are you doing?" Tamaki asked as Mirio scrolled through the UA student page on his phone, surprised that he would be doing anything academic right now. 

"I'm trying to find this one person...apparently they're coming to give a talk at UA some time soon, and it's to do with engineering, so I need to find someone to get me into it" Mirio replied, not looking away from his phone.

"Who is it then, and why do you care so much about going?" Tamaki asked, genuinely intrigued, as the entire time he knew Mirio, he never heard of him having an interest in engineering. 

"You know who Melissa Shield is?" Mirio replied, putting his phone away and looking at Tamaki.

"Yeah, that genius engineer from I-Island, she's got really big-" Tamaki answered absent-mindedly, before realising why Mirio wanted to see the talk now.
"Really? You've got a crush on her, that's why? What makes you think you've got a chance with her?" Tamaki asked, surprised to see Mirio blushing this much. 

"I don't know! I just think she's cool and seems nice to work with... and yeah she's pretty too" Mirio replied, his voice quite meek and bashful, something that was rare for him. 

"How could you possibly know that?" Tamaki replied, surprised at how flustered Mirio was.

"Remember that one National Science competition we were both supposed to go to when we were like... 16? And then you got sick and I had to go on my own, and we came second?" Mirio asked, hoping his brief explanation of the distant event would jog his friend's memories. 

"Uhhhh, oh wait yeah! I'm guessing she came first?" Tamaki asked, remembering the regret he felt for leaving Mirio on his own.

"She did alright~" Mirio said suggestively, before clearing his throat and speaking seriously, "But yeah, she won, and we met and she seemed really nice. Ever since I've been following her work, and now that she's coming here, it might be my chance to meet her again." He explained, leaving Tamaki stunned, as he didn't expect Mirio to have such an innocent reason for liking her. 

"Well, good. I mean, I doubt you have a chance with her, but good" Tamaki said nonchalantly, sitting down next to Mirio.

"I love how much of a supportive and positive-minded person you are. I think it's why we're such good friends" Mirio sarcastically replied, facing Tamaki, shifting his whole body so that he could face him.

"Oh absolutely. I'm a ray of sunshine, I just radiate positive energy" Tamaki responded, his voice monotone, showing just how incredibly enthusiastic he was.

"I think that's why you and Nejire are so similar. I mean, you're basically siblings" Mirio added, a deadpan expression on his face.

"Yeah, imagine that Nejire having a brother. Although if I'm being serious, it would probably be Izuku." Tamaki said, finally dropping the sarcasm.

"Why do you say that?" Mirio asked, also letting go of the bit, intrigued at Tamaki's assertion.

"I don't know, they're quite close, so it seems like it'd work. Although a universe where that happens would be crazy" Tamaki replied, chuckling after his last few words.

"Yeah, maybe we're both superheroes or something, and I can actually go through a wall, and you can manifest animal powers" Mirio suggested, pulling from their current fields of study to come up with their hypothetical powers.

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now