Chapter 12: Meeting The Rest Of The Family- Part 4

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A/N: Hi everyone, I hope you all enjoyed my new story "Krish: The Tortured Hero". If you didn't know, I released a new story last week, which is why this chapter has been delayed a week. But to make up for it, this chapter is extra long, like some of my earlier stuff, so I hope you enjoy this chapter!

The group of friends made their way over to the beach, the clear ocean basking in the warm rays of the sun, the gentle orange hue radiating onto it. A beach at dusk was a truly picturesque, beautiful site. The sky, clearer than it had ever been that day, with everyone comfortably able to look at the stare without the risk of being blinded, though the teens were still cautious.

Finding a good spot to sit down, the group all laid out their towels on the soft, smooth surface of the sand. The way it sank down under their body weights, the sun gently shimmering over them, illuminating the right or left sides of their faces, and the feeling of spending time with friends was truly a thing to be cherished. There was only one way to describe this.


As everyone got into a comfortable position, with Camie sitting between Katsuki's legs, Eri leaning on the shoulder of her older brother, Nejire sitting with her knees tucked up to her chin, Mirio and Tamaki leaning back, legs outstretched and propping themselves up using their arms, and Ochako patiently sitting with her legs crossed and her spare blanket covering her legs.

"I knew wearing these short shorts was a mistake, it's getting cooler and my legs are cold. Wait, doesn't saying short shorts sound redundant. Who the hell came up with that? Why not something els- I'm getting off-topic. Hopefully, they'll finally tell me how they all met each other." She thought to herself, looking at everyone for any indication that she could start speaking.

"Guys I think Uraraka's gonna die of curiosity, you should probably tell her how you all met." Eri pointed out, looking at the brunette.

"Well, how are we gonna do it? No offense but the last time you guys were fumbling over your words a lot." Camie asked, looking back at her partner, who was drinking some water.

"Well that was partially your fault" Katsuki grumbled, thinking back to when Camie met everyone.

"Well I'm sure you can behave this time Kaachan" Nejire taunted, smiling at the blonde-haired boy.

"Hey!" Izuku and Bakugo retorted in unison before Izuku carried on, "We can only call each other that! Didn't you read Mirio's Bro Code?" 

(A/N: If you get this reference, then I'll be your wingman. I've got an 85% success rate and before you ask no it wasn't my fault.)

"Really? It's a "book" written by a drunk student, not the bible. Honestly, what will I do with you two." Nejire replied, sarcastically disappointed at her pseudo younger brothers, although sometimes they did feel like her children, for better or for worse.

"It's official, and who said I was drunk?!" Mirio interjected, looking at his cyan-haired classmate.

"I did when you had to start over after spilled a shot of vodka on the draft." Tamaki replied, flashing back to that moment.

"That was water Tamaki. I swear on the Bro Code" Mirio said with fake seriousness.

"Then why did you pay ¥1200 yen for 25ml of water?" Tamaki retorted, raising an eyebrow.

"It's holy water, and it's the only reason I had the divine knowledge to write the book." Mirio smugly replied.

"Well religion is corrupt anyway, and as I recall, you used some of it that same night to try and do some very unholy things as well." Izuku chimed in, slyly looking at the soon-to-be third year.

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now