Chapter 32: A Celebration To Be Remembered- Part 3

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As Izuku washed his hands, he looked at himself in the mirror, inspecting his hair and making sure it wasn't too out of place, which was ironic, considering his hairstyle was made up of messy, out-of-place hair. Nevertheless, he finished up in the bathroom, drying his hands with a couple of paper towels, before opening the door to leave.

"Izuku." A voice called out to him, getting his attention, as he looked over to his left.

"Momo? Why did you wait for me?" Izuku asked, seeing her leaning against the wall, an almost serious expression on her face. 

"I wanted to talk to you, about something" She replied, trying to keep her composure, but the feeling of butterflies in her stomach was too much for her to simply ignore.

"Uhh, okay... what's up?" Izuku asked cautiously, a bit confused at Momo's demeanour, not too sure why she'd be so... nervous.

Meanwhile, Kota and Eri were carrying their respective drinks back to the room, before Eri stops walking, prompting Kota to do the same.

"What's wrong?" He asked, confused as to why she'd stop walking.

"I just wanted to talk for a second, mind if I ask you something?" Eri asked back, her curiosity getting the better of her. She'd never tried alcohol, but she imagined this slightly bouncy and freeing feeling was what being tipsy felt like. 

"Go for it" Kota replied, taking a sip of his drink as he did. 

"Are you nervous? I know you don't usually say a lot, but, you've been extra quiet this time." 

"Well... it's just that..." Kota said, contemplating whether or not to say anything. But, what was the worst that could happen?

"I obviously feel out of place as a fourteen-year-old, like, there's just this social barrier that I can't get over... beyond that?" Kota said, still finding it difficult to get the words out, but he had to at least try.

"Beyond that, I... miss my parents. This feeling of togetherness, it feels like you guys are a real family. I couldn't help but reminisce. I'm... I wouldn't say I'm over it, but it was a long time ago. At some point, you have to leave something behind to move on, right?" Kota said, quoting Eri with that last sentence.

"Y-yeah... C-can I ask you something else, a bit more... serious?" Eri asked, his words hit hard as she began to question her own feelings and beliefs, watching Kota's solemn facial expression turn into one of slight confusion and anticipation.

As the young teenagers spoke, Momo and Izuku were still outside the bathroom, as she finally mustered up the courage to speak.

"Izuku, ever since I met you... you're one of the only guys who's not looked at me in that kind of way. You didn't look at me like some spoilt brat, and you didn't become friends with me because you thought that it would be beneficial to you. My entire life, whether I've been going to formal events, school, parties, or university. I've always been treated differently because of my family name. Guys my age... and sometimes even men older than me would try and make a pass at me just because I started to develop early. I'd constantly get asked to lend out money, or have parents use me as a stepping stone to know my parents, just so that they can have one more person in their network. It's one of the reasons why I want to take over the business, to show people that I'm not just some little girl. That I'm not who I am because of the people that came before me. That spurred me on so much because I thought that it would always be that way. That no matter what, people would never see me for who I am, and I could never truly be that person. 

Until I met you. You broke that worldview and showed me a new world. One where I could just be myself, and that's been more invaluable to me than anything else. You're smart, kind, caring, funny, sexy... you're one in a million Izuku. Truly. And it'd be a shame if that went to waste, so..." Momo said, pouring her heart out. The butterflies had flown away, and she was speaking using only her feelings. Nothing could have stopped the words from coming out, and no one could take this moment away from her. 

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now