Chapter 31: A Celebration To Be Remembered- Part 2

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Nejire instantly ran into the room, fawning over how cute Ochako looked, as Momo and Kota walked in side by side, with Mina and Tsu side by side behind them.

"Momo! And, you must be Kota Izumi?" Izuku exclaimed, getting up from his seat.

"No, I'm Jason Bourne Junior" Kota replied, his sarcasm level only matched by Izuku's lack of surprise. 

"No wonder you're friends with Eri." Izuku commented, rolling his eyes, "It's nice to meet you, Eri's told me a lot about you" Izuku grinned, looking back at his sister as he said that. 

"What's she said?" Kota asked, also grinning.

"Well mainly that she thinks that you're super-" Izuku began, before Eri covered his mouth with her palm.

"Ignore him! He's just saying things that aren't true" Eri frantically replied, shooting Izuku a death glare. 

"No no, go on." Kota replied, smiling a bit, as Izuku removed Eri's hand from his mouth. 

"It's fine, besides, I can't have you getting too big for your britches-" Izuku said, looking down at Kota's proverbial britches, noticing they had the exact same shoes on, just different sizes. 

"That's a weird coincidence. Same red trainers..." Kota stated, unable to think of anything else that wasn't obvious.

"You guys are practically brothers then!" Momo interjected, chuckling a bit, enjoying Izuku's interactions with the kids. 

"Sure, the resemblance is uncanny" Kota said, dryly laughing, as he looked around the room, seeing everyone having their own conversations, hearing the light music, feeling the atmosphere. 

He didn't belong here, did he?

Looking over at Eri, he saw none of that doubt. She was carefree, enjoying herself. 

"Anyways, I'm gonna sit back down now. Kota, let's go!" Eri exclaimed, tapping her friend on the shoulder, leaving Momo and Izuku to talk. 

"Glad you could make it here. You look nice" Izuku said, noting Kota's lack of interaction.

"Thank you, I mean, Ochako looks a lot better, but it is her birthday after all. I thought I'd just come in something casual." Momo replied, taking a good look at Ochako for the first time. 

Her auburn hair was straightened, with a nice sheen, indicating that it had been freshly washed. Her skin was radiant and clear, her makeup subtle but definitely doing its job. She smiled, laughed, and joked effortlessly, her eyes keeping that same shine no matter what. Her lipstick made her stand out, along with her eyeliner and eyelashes. Her dress was a statement piece for sure. Pink and black, with that crosshatch pattern suited her well, and the length was clearly meant to show off her thighs and heels, as it stopped just halfway down her upper leg. The skin there was smooth and appeared soft, with her black heels making her seem more assertive, even if that didn't quite match her personality. Her earrings sparkled under the lights as if they were the finest pearls in the world, although Momo could tell the difference between exquisite jewelry and silver that was on sale. Nevertheless, it worked. 

"Ochako really does look good huh?" Momo muttered, unable to deny the fact that she was an extremely attractive woman. 

"I-Uh, I mean yeah she, d-does" Izuku replied, getting flustered once again.

"Izuku! You can admit she's pretty y'know?! It's not a crime to say these things" Momo giggled, loving how innocent his reactions were. 

"I feel like I should have dressed up now, but I wouldn't want to take the spotlight away from her." Momo added, waiting for Izuku to regain his composure. 

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now