Chapter 33: Aftermath & Preparation

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Finding herself on a solitary walk around campus, Ochako quite enjoyed the premature morning sights of UA's lush greenery, as it soothed her, the whistle of the wind created by the leaves of the many overarching trees was music to her ears. 

Taking a good few minutes before each of her morning lectures had served her well, since it calmed her overactive mind, and got her ready to focus. What she didn't expect, however, was to find another individual disturbing the sanctity of her alone time. 

Turning the corner, she found Todoroki against a tree, although she could only see him partially, due to the tree causing her to have a blind spot in her vision. Stepping out of its path, she finally got a good look at him, as he had pinned a girl against said tree, making out with her. 

Looking away, Ochako widened her eyes in surprise, before slowly looking at them again, seeing how ruffled and messy Todoroki's hair looked, and how creased the girl's outfit had become, as well as the goofy, dejected smile on her face as if the experience incited a sense of overwhelming ecstasy. 

Deciding that voyeurism wasn't for her, Ochako swiftly walked off, trying to burn that mental image from her brain. As she was about to walk out of the garden area, she felt a hand grip her wrist. 

Not turning, she spoke, "What is it Todoroki?"

"Nothing, I just found it a bit odd that you stared for that long without leaving. Like what you saw?" Todoroki asked. Ochako couldn't see him, but she could tell that he had a grin on his face.

"No. Can you let go of me, please? I have a lecture to get to" Ochako asked, feeling her cheeks get slightly warm. Whether it was a blush or annoyance, she was too conflicted to find out.

"Hmph, alright then. Have fun in your lecture, I'm sure that image won't live in your head... Ochako" Todoroki said playfully, holding back laughter, as he watched Ochako walk off, his eyes lingering just a second too long before he went back into the garden area.

Clearing her mind, Ochako spent far too long engrossed in her own thoughts, not even noticing Izuku and Mirio walking ahead.

"chako...Ochako...Ochako!" Izuku called out, tapping her on the shoulder as she walked, causing her to break out of her trance, leading to her letting out an odd scream.

"You good?" Mirio asked, seeing the effect Izuku's pseudo-jumpscare had on Ochako. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that, I was just too wrapped up in my head. Why are you here Izuku? I thought you didn't have any lectures this morning." Ochako asked, fixing her composure, and walking with the boys. 

"Well Mirio didn't want to come here on his own, so he came to pick me up, so now I'll be 'studying' with him in the library." Izuku answered, causing Mirio to roll his eyes. 

"You make it sound like I'm some kind of a desperate loner" Mirio commented with an exasperated tone.

"Not like a desperate loner, you are a desperate loner. Anyways, isn't your lecture cancelled, Ochako? You were mumbling about it last night." Izuku pointed out, eliciting a look of surprise from Ochako, as she looked through the UA app, finding that her professor did indeed cancel the lecture last night, and had uploaded a video lecture of the previous year.

"Oh shit yeah! How did I forget that?" Ochako exclaimed, annoyed that she'd woken up that early for no reason. 

"Well you were probably on autopilot, plus, it was your birthday yesterday, so it makes sense you'd be more focused on that." Izuku explained as the trio climbed up the stairs to get to the library. 

"Fair enough. Well, I'm probably gonna head home. Izuku, come back with me." Ochako said, half joking, as she looked at Mirio.

"Hey! How dare you, you... you homewrecker! Izuku will stay with me, not with some lecherous lady like you!" Mirio replied, with acting skills that would truly impress a newborn... and no one else.

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now