Chapter 5: First Day Of A New Life- Part 1

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A/N: Hi everyone! Just wanted to quickly thank you all for 700+ reads, it means a lot to me that we're growing as quickly as we are.

Sorry about the late upload, I've been swamped with work, and I needed a break from writing, but I'm back now! Thanks all for the comments, support, and patience, it really does mean a lot. I hope you enjoy this chapter after so long.

Ochako couldn't sleep. She couldn't relax. She couldn't even move. And how could she? The weight of the realization that she would be all on her own, living away from her parents for the first time would have been enough to worry any normal person, but also considering what she had learned about as well? Let's just say that she wasn't enjoying her freedom the way she thought she would be. Deciding not to feel sorry for herself she got up from her bed and walked downstairs into the living room, illuminated by the moonlight. Seeing the balcony door, leading to the outside world, she went towards it, opening it as quietly as possible.

Stepping outside she took a deep breath in, trying to calm herself down. However, she had not closed the door, but she had closed her eyes, making way for a certain white-haired girl to join her.

"Homesick?" Eri asked as comfortingly as she could, not wanting to startle Ochako too much.

"Eri? I didn't think you'd be awake." Ochako asked, surprised, and slightly worried as to why Eri was up so late.

"Well I had to refill my water bottle since I drank all of it, but then I saw you, so I thought I would help." Eri explained, calming Ochako down.

"I'm fine, I just needed some fresh air, that's all." Ochako replied, not wanting to involve Eri in her problems.

"I know from personal experience that no one comes outside at 3:37 AM for some 'fresh air'" Eri said sarcastically.

"What do you mean personal experience?" Ochako asked, now curious as to what she meant.

"When Izuku and I first moved into this place again, I was 12, so I wasn't exactly ready to just live with my brother and no one else, and I still missed Mum. So every night, if I had a nightmare or I couldn't sleep Izuku would always take me out here to calm me down. I remember he would always tell me that one of the stars in the sky was Mum, that when it was the scariest she would always be watching over us." Eri explained, looking up at the stars.

"That's sweet of him." Ochako replied, surprised at what Eri went through and the lengths Izuku went to, to keep her happy.

"So tell me, what's on your mind?" Eri asked, now getting to what she wanted.

"Well you were right, I am feeling homesick. I don't know why though. I mean, I've been on holidays where it was just me on my own, and I was fine, but now when I have you guys with me I still feel lonely." Ochako said, her emotions tumbling out of her.

"Well, it's only natural. I mean those times you knew you were going to see them again right? But now it'll be a while before you do, and me and Izuku can't replace your parents, but we'll definitely keep you company and help you out as much as we can. So just calm down, and take some deep breaths" Eri replied, doing her best to calm Ochako down.

After a series of deep breaths, Ochako could feel her heart rate settle, and her nerves vanish. "Thanks a lot Eri, you're really good at this stuff." Ochako said, again surprised at how well Eri managed to calm her down.

"It's no big deal, and besides, I learned from the best." Eri replied with a smug grin on her face.

"Who's the best?" Ochako asked, lacking context.

"Oh right yeah. Izuku is the best, didn't he tell you he wanted to be a therapist?" Eri inquired, confident that Izuku would have told her if UA had come up in conversation.

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now