The 'Rescue'

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"Why hasn't it gone off yet?" Silas murmured.
I stand there, with a compelling stare at the flashing device. "I don't know, but I don't want to be here to find out." I breathed.

I watch as Silas makes his way over to the twins, being careful with every step . He slowly helped them up one by one. I grabbed Wanda into a hug.
"I'm so glad your okay" I whispered in her ear, holding her tight to my chest. She stares up at me, I felt relief take over my body knowing that she was safe.
"We need to go" Pietro declared.

We rapidly all walked out of our apartment building, into the smoke filled streets. Men approached us almost immediately. They were tall, stern and wearing all black. I watched as Silas glanced over at me, I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Come with us, we can help you survive" a man insisted. Without even giving us a choice to decide, I felt his cold hand take grasp of my arm yanking me towards him.
"No Y/n!" Silas screeched, the fear emerged in his voice. "Come with us and she won't get hurt" another man taunted.

Without a doubt Wanda, Pietro and Silas all followed. I have a bad feeling about this, we are children..they can't do anything to harm us, right?
We approached a stone building. It looked gloomy and abandoned. Walking through the doors gave me a instant shiver across my body.

"What is this place?" Pietro questioned quickly.
"This is going to be your new home for a while" a man appeared from the door way. "Four new subjects and how old are they?" the man questioned, watching me whilst awaiting for an answer.
"M-My brother and I are nine and them two are both eight." I hesitated.
"Names?" the man snapped.
I didn't want to give him our names, this didn't feel right to me..and by the looks of it Pietro felt the same way.

"I am Baron Strucker, I'm here to help. You can tell me your names" he said whilst laughing with the men around us.
Wanda spoke first, my breath hitched in my throat.
"I-I'm uh Wanda Maximoff, this is my twin brother Pietro Maximoff.." She trails off slowly looking over at me for reassurance that it was okay, I nodded in agreement. "This is Y/n Phoenix and also her twin brother Silas Phoenix." she exclaimed.

Strucker guided his way towards me, he looked to me and smiled. I felt trapped, this wasn't good and I knew it.
"Keep this one separate from the rest" he sneered to the men. "Cell block one for her.." he points directly at me "..the rest cell block four" he teased.

The men take a hold on both of my arms, trailing me away.

Silas's Pov-
"You can't take her!" I snapped. "I can do what I want with her, this is your home now. I will do great things with her, she has potential." Strucker claimed as he watches her struggle.

"Now!" he claps "let's get you settled in shall we?" he looks at the other men, they escort us to cell block four. They looked damp, dirty and rotten. They pushed us into our cells and locked the doors.

"Silas what are we going to do?" Wanda whispers. "We will figure something out" Pietro announces from across the room.

Your Pov-
This wasn't the warm welcome I was expecting, i'm alone. All alone. How could this happen, we are just kids. What could they possibly need with four kids, maybe there is more kids here. I guess we will find out, I abruptly stood up as Strucker approached my cell.

"You are going to do the world great justice" he says unlocking my cell, he walks closer to me and places his hand on my face. "You have potential, you don't have to suffer anymore. All you have to do is comply and I won't hurt your brother or friends. Do you understand?" I nod in agreement, he can do whatever he wants to me. As long as they were safe I would survive.

"Let's get started, shall we?" he holds out his hand, with a light smile. I take his hand and walk out with him, he takes me right past the doorway into cell block four. I can't see them, they are too far down. He brings me into a small room, it has a surgical table. It's surrounded by machines and tools, lots of chemicals which are all different colours.
"Don't be frightened, it won't hurt" he reassures me. There's something about him which is calming but it's also strange.
"Hop up on the table, it might be a little cold" I jump up on the table and lay down, the cold table sends shivers all over my body and goosebumps start to arise. His hand strokes my cheek "It'll all be okay, this will hurt a tiny bit..then it won't"

I stare at him confused, I couldn't read his face. It was emotionless. I could see men in lab coats walking around the room, then finally a man turns and walks towards me. Needle at the ready, he stabs it into my stomach. I let out a scream, I hear it echo throughout the building. Then everything went silent and dark. Everything was gone, I couldn't move or yell. I was alone with my thoughts, once again.

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