Five Years

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Your Pov-
It's been five long years since I got taken to the raft, i've made a couple of cell friends so I wouldn't feel completely alone. The team hasn't visited once, but Daisy has visited a few times. She's promised to come back soon but she's hell bent on work.

Being here has made me realise that I shouldn't trust anyone, at all. However, Daisy is an exception.

"Hey Phoenix." I look up to see Daisy. "Daisy!" "How've you been since the last time?" She asks. "I've had better days, the hydra nightmares aren't too bad nowadays." She smiles at me "What are you smiling out?" I ask.

"Open Cell One!" She yells "Y/n your coming home." "I-I am?" tears start to stream down my face as I run and jump into her arms. "God i've missed you." I sniffle at her.

"Let's get you home." she says, but where is home for me. "Oh Y/n?" I hum in response "Happy 23rd Birthday!" she squealed happily. "Happy Birthday Silas." I say smiling at the sky, she pulls me into a hug. "I'm okay Daisy, I've learned that he's gone and i'm okay. I miss him but it's okay, he's always with me." I smile at her.

Natasha's Pov-
"Hey baby." I kiss her forehead, brushing her hair out of her face. "How'd you sleep?" she hums in response to my question, "Wanda baby, let's get up." She frowns at me. "Hey what's that frown for?" she sniffles at my question.

"Wanda? What's going on?" I ask. "It's her birthday Nat." I froze, it's been five years since she got sent away. The compound hasn't been same since we defeated Ultron the day she left.

Pietro left the team to venture around the world, Clint rarely visits the compound, Bucky left to heal himself, Tony, Bruce and Thor are rarely about anymore and Steve, well he's getting the silent treatment from most. Vision doesn't understand who Y/n is, he knows she was a great deal to the team but Tony induced him into a deep sleep for the time being.

"She's 23 Nat, she's been trapped in there for five years for nothing." everyone but Steve has forgiven her about the whole situation that occurred that night, god how everyone misses her goofy laugh around here.

She held this team together better than anyone else ever has, the day after she left no one was the same. We lost her that day, non of us think she will forgive us for this. We can only hope.

"Someone's at the front gate." Steve calls, "Ah it's Daisy, let her in." Tony calls back. Why would Daisy be here. Weird.
"Hey guys, I have something for you!" She calls out. Everyone gathers in the main room.

A h/c haired girl walks through the door, she cautiously stands beside Daisy. "Who is that?" Wanda asks, I can hear the girl scoff.

"Wow you don't remembered an old friend?" the girl speaks, everyone is silent. "I'll introduce myself, Shall I?" She smirks at everyone, "Hi, I'm Y/n Phoenix. Nice to meet you." her smile lights up the room.

Your Pov-
"Hi, I'm Y/n Phoenix. Nice to meet you." I'm trying so hard not to laugh, they don't even fucking recognise me. "Y-Y-n?" Bucky walks through the front door, "Bucky? Finally someone notices me." He runs over as I lunge into his arms.

The whole room stays silent, "How'd you get her out? She was meant to stay in there until further notice." Steve snaps at Daisy. "Hey," I walk over to protect Daisy "don't you dare yell at her. She's done nothing wrong, if I were you I'd choose your next words very carefully." I snap.

"It's okay Y/n."She says. "What happened to this place, it looks like shit." I start to look around, noticing some of the others weren't here.

"Y/n a lot has changed since we defeated Ultron. Some people left the team, others went to their own homes." Wanda says.

I get to the long corridor which holds all the rooms. I notice Silas's name tag is still on the door, whereas mine isn't. That hurt.

"What are you looking for?" Steve asks harshly, "I take it I'm not wanted back on the team, fair enough." I force a smile. Tony looks to the floor, clearly they weren't expecting me to come back.
"Guys it's fine, I-I'll leave if that's what suits you all best." I smile and walk to the front door, I hear Daisy saying her goodbyes and then we left. I never looked back.

Natasha's Pov-
I didn't even say anything to her, I was shocked in place. I never thought I'd see her again.

"Steve come on, let her come back. She's clearly changed, she made no fuss about her room not being there." I plead. "I don't know Nat. I'll see what I can do, I understand everyone has forgiven her but..I just don't know okay."

Tony gave Clint a call to notify that she was out of the raft, I was surprised that she looked so good after being in there. "Hey, you okay? You seemed a bit shaken when you saw her?" Wanda asks "She probably hates us for not helping her. She doesn't have a home anymore Wanda." I say.

I want her to come back here. I could fix everything, It won't be the same but at least I'd still have her here.

A few hours past and Steve finally gets off the phone. "Ross said that Daisy took Y/n to shield, and that Fury wants her and Pietro to go on a mission." I feel my heart clench, Wanda hasn't talked to Pietro since be left and now he's coming back for a mission.

"When are they briefing-" "Now." Steve points to the window. Great.

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