'Honey I'm Home'

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Wanda's Pov-
I wanted to tell her how I feel especially before Nat does, Y/n already calls her 'Tasha'.
I'm looking around the compound for Y/n and I can't find her, I knock on her door. No answer. Where is she, I double check the kitchen. Natasha and Clint are making dinner "Has anyone seen Y/n?" they shake their heads no, I check the training rooms. Empty. I check in with Pietro, Steve, Bucky, Thor, Tony and Banner. No one has seen her since we came back, where could she be.
Jarvis alerted that dinner was ready, the table was already set. Silas still had his place at the table next to Y/n's seat which is empty.

"Has no one seen her since we got back?" I point to her seat. I can only wonder where she is..

Your Pov-
"Silas come on, tell me who wants our family gone." 'It's not that simple, you don't understand the danger you could be in." It hurt that I can only hear their voices, I wanted to see them again. "Mum tell me something I don't know already." "Hunny, you barely made it out of the hospital alive. It could get much worse, you need to understand everything."

I want to understand what's going on, I want to know what might happen in the future. "Y/n it's not safe, you shouldn't be out here alone. Danger can surround you at any moment, please go back home." "I'll say this again Silas, i'm not going back until I figure it all out." I snap "Hunny you need to get your things packed so you can go to Clint's house. We will talk about this when you get back and when your healed, okay?" "Fine." I shut the voices out of my head and walk back to the compound.

I walk straight in the door, passed the main room ignoring all the Avengers and slam my bedroom door closed. I don't want to talk, they ask to many questions.
I start packing my things so I'm ready to leave, when a knock at the door interrupts the quietness. "Can I come in?" "Yes Wanda."

"Where are you going?" I look at her in disbelief "I'll be gone a few days okay? I'm going to Clint's house, I need space from everything." I see her eyes gloss over "I won't be gone for long okay? I would bring you but, someone needs to keep Pietro company." she laughs. "What did you need to talk to me about?" she stares into my eyes "I'll tell you when you come back." I give her a confused look "You sure? I have time?" she watches me carefully.
"Earth to Wanda." I wave my arms in front of her, "You sure your okay?" I ask, "mhm" she hums.

"Y/n? You ready to go?" Clint calls, "Yeah! Let me put my shoes on." I happily yell. I'm excited to meet his family, I think I'll get along well with them.
Wanda follows me down to the main room, "čoskoro sa uvidíme, milujem ťa. (see you soon, I love you)" I say to Wanda and Pietro "tiež ťa máme radi (we love you too)" they both say back.

"How long are you going to be gone?" she asks "Tasha don't worry, not long." I take her hand and place a kiss on her knuckles, I watch as her cheeks turn a red colour. "I'm going to Clint's for awhile, if you miss me too much you can steal my clothes." I wink at her and head towards the door "I'll see you guys later."

"Laura has already put the kids to bed, i'm sure you can meet them tomorrow morning." "That's okay." I smile at him. "We have a long trip as we can't take the jet, so get comfortable."He grins at me, as I get a make shift bed ready in the car.

Wanda's Pov-
After Y/n and Clint left no one had any ideas of what we should do. I realised that Nat was sneaking off so I decided to follow her, I watched as she went into
Y/n's room. Oh i'm going to have fun with this.

I waltz into Y/n's room to find Nat reading a book on her bed, "Does she know you'd be in here?" I asked making Nat jump, "She allowed me to be." "Right, sure. Is that why your thinking about her between your legs?" "Fuck off Wanda." "No Natasha, that's where you want her right? You crave her touch, you want her to notice the little things you do and you want her to see you the way you see her. Trust me I know!" Natasha stays quiet.
"I spent my whole life loving that girl and she still hasn't noticed, it starts with the nicknames, then the kissing of forehead and knuckles, then it's letting you in her room and then it stops. She doesn't see that people like her, god if only she knew right?" I say frustrated "What's your nickname?" she asks "She use to call me Wands." I say upset.
"We should make her jealous." Nat pipes up "What. How?" "Think about it, we can make her notice us. We have to plan something big to make her notice everything." I nod and we start the planning.

Your Pov-
"Y/n we are here." Clint shakes me awake, I look at the time 04:21am god it's so early. I take one big look at the surroundings, "Woah this is beautiful Clint." I say with a smile admiring the mass of nature. "It sure is, it's better at sunrise. The sun rises just over the hill, spreads a beautiful orange across the sky." he pats my shoulders.

Clint opens the door "Honey, I'm home." He whispers, "I've missed you!" she runs towards Clint. "Honey this is Y/n, the one I was telling you about. Y/n this is my wife Laura, you can meet the kids in a few hours." I smile at Laura as she gives me a hug.

Wow this really does feel like a loving home. On to new adventures and discoveries..

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