Blood Spills

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Your Pov-
I arrive at the location, very secluded. I waste no time hiding the car, her life is on the line the car doesn't matter, sorry Tony. I grab my guns and run blind sighted into the building, I carefully watch every step I take incase there's traps or even bombs on the floor. Searching the building is making my adrenaline bump a million times faster than it should be, there's no sign of cameras so that's a good sign.

I approach a large door, I pull down the handle trying to make the least sound possible. It opens into a huge warehouse, no windows, one exit and only one light, the light is above a chair. The chair which sits Daisy in, I don't care if they ambush me, she needs me.

I run to her aid, I check for a pulse, I release my breath. She's just unconscious, thank god. "Agent Phoenix, your a very difficult person to locate." A man calls out, I look around but as to there being no lights in here I can't see where this person is. "I'm sure you could have found me, you found her, you obviously knew I cared for her."

"Agent Phoenix do you recall the incident that occurred in 1997, or did hydra wipe that from your memory too." If I recall that was nearly fifteen years ago, I have a feeling I know what he's talking about. "Who ever you are I apologise for what I did so many years ago, I was just a kid at the time, I-I didn't know what I was doing." I plead.

"Agent Phoenix, I dearly understand all the trauma you have endured through your life time, but you took one thing from me that can never be replaced. I
looked for you for years, I suspected you were dead until I seen you on the news after the little hospital explosion. If only the first explosion killed you and not your brother, the second one wouldn't have happened. Seemingly you are hard to kill, you always squirm out don't you."
I can feel my heart tearing to shreds, he killed my brother because I took something away from him, it's my fault my brothers dead.

"What did I take from you, I'll do anything please just let her go home safe. I beg you, you can do anything to me. Let her go." I'm practically begging this unknown man. A chair skids across the floor with restraints tied to it, "Throw your weapons across the room and take a seat, if you comply she will stay safe." My heart is thumping, I'll do anything to keep her safe, I can't loose her for things I did years ago.

I take a seat on the chair, I hear multiple pairs of footsteps heading my way, I can only guess they are armed. The restraints get tightened around my ankles and wrists, "Double tighten them, she's stronger than she looks." His minions nod at his commands, pathetic.

At first glance I have no idea who this man is, nor what I took from him. I notice he has knives placed around his belt, and two hand guns in holsters, just taking in the surroundings to stay some what safe.
"Now let's get started shall we, for every question you get wrong..she pays the price." I gulp at his remark, pay the price, shit. I nod complying.

"How old were you in 97' when the accident occurred?" I think carefully before I answer any questions, I don't want her getting hurt. "Nine years old." He nods "Correct." I relax letting myself breathe again, "How many times were you mind controlled." Shit, I don't know the answer to this at all. "T-Twice.." I stutter, "Wrong." He places one of the knives of her cheek, pulling it down leaving a deep cut.

"No-No stop, I don't know how many time it happened, I-I don't." He laughs at my desperation "Correct." After a few more questions and a few more wounds appeared on her face, the sudden need to answer the next one correctly kills me.
"Why did you kill all those people, the first week of you being at hydra." He stars at me awaiting my reply, "I-I" He holds the knife to her throat "I got scared, I was given this unexpected power that I didn't know how to control. I was continuously tested on to get it removed but it never worked, one day I freaked out and let out an outburst killing everyone in the room." He cuts her restraints free.

"Take her back to where you found her, make sure no one sees you or follows you." He orders. "Now Agent Phoenix, my wife was in that room when you killed her. I've never forgiven you for that, you will suffer the consequences for that. Do you understand?" He questions, "Y-Yes, I understand."

• • •

Daisy's Pov-
My mind feel groggy as I wake up, I feel around my face, the dried blood tells me something has happened. I grab my phone and shoot a text to Y/n.

"Hey Y/n, something has happened and I need to talk to you about it, only I can't remember anything. I'm coming over, can you ask Bruce to check me out please."

I arrive at the compound, still no reply from Y/n maybe she's busy doing something. I open the door into the main room, Natasha and Wanda rush over "Y/n?!" I give them a confused look, "Why would I be Y/n?" I ask them worried that somethings happened to her.

"Daisy your face, what the hell happened." Tony rushes in with the rest of the team, "That's why I'm here, I can't remember what happened but the last thing I do remember is being grabbed by someone. Then I wake up hours later with these cuts all over my face-" I get rudely interrupted by Jarvis.
"Mr Stark, one new email message from an anonymous source. I've sent the video and message to the Tv in the main room."

"I send my condolences for the damage required on Agent Johnson's face, but as everyone knows Blood Spills." Bucky reads the message out, everyone returns worried and concerning looks.

"Press play.."

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