The Mission

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Your Pov-
The jet lands as Silas and I cautiously make our way towards the base. "You ready?" I nod my head, "Let's do this then." We run into the abandoned base, looking for the data bases.

We locate the computers easily and Silas begins to load the data across to a pen drive, I stay and watch the door. "Come on nearly there." "Silas stop tapping your fingers, it's annoying." He turns and smiles at me, I walk towards the computers and admire the sight.

"Fucking hell finally." He exclaims "took long enough" I laugh. We were beginning to make our way out when a ticking sound got louder, I press my hand against his chest. "Y/n what-" "Shut up. Do you hear that?" He shakes his head no, I move my head towards the wall. "SILAS THERES A BOMB IN THE WALL! RUN!" I scream, as we begin to run towards the exit.

The bomb explodes, the explosion took me off my feet sending me into the wall. The roof started to collapse, I stand up holding the wall for support. My head was definitely bleeding, "Silas? Silas! Where are you?" no reply. "Silas?!" silence. "Come on Silas this isn't funny!"
I walk over to the debris and see the pen drive, my legs collapse "No no no no, Silas? Silas?" I flip over his lifeless body, "God Silas, NO!" Tears welcoming the pain of loss. I shake his body hoping he'd wake up, flashbacks of Sokovia take over, seeing my mother in the same position. I check for a pulse, nothing. I start to hear another ticking sound, I had no time to grab him before the second one went off. I looked back at the aftermath, I couldn't see him anymore. I let the numbness take over my body as I walk back to the jet.

Natasha Pov-
Everyone is in the main room watching Tv, waiting for Y/n and Silas to come back when breaking news hits the headlines.

'An explosion has just occurred at an abandoned facility, after a Jet was seen landing in the vicinity.
*Picture of the quinjet*
Reporters say one body has been found but is unable to be identified. More information will be posted soon'

"Don't tell me Fury sent them there" I look at Tony, "He did". My breath hitches in my throat at the thought of losing her.
The Jet lands outside the compound, everyone races out to see who survived. The nerves were killing me, the door started to open.

There she was, covered in blood with her hands scrunched up in balls. Everyone is silent, no one moves. Not even Wanda or Pietro, knowing that she watched Silas die.

Your Pov-
Everyone is staring at me, I can't help but not move. I don't want to go anywhere, I can't live with out him.

A black car pulled up and out jumped a man, I heard his assistant call him Fury. I felt my anger arise as I grab my gun out of my holster, I move towards him.
"Y/n?" I Ignore Natasha and head straight for Fury, I can feel everyone watching me.

"Y/n I can Explain-" he says when I reach him.
"Y/n" He says, the Avengers are stuck in place.
I stand up and give the gun to Fury, "You killed him, I know you did. I knew you wanted us dead. How could you take an innocent life, he never harmed a fly. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME, THATS WHO YOU WANT DEAD!" I turn to see Natasha horrified at the situation, Wanda and Pietro are in tears.

I go to pull out my knife when a gun goes off, I look up and see his assistant holding it towards me. I fall backwards, feeling all the pain leave my body. "Y/N NO!" Natasha screams. I watch Fury leave in his car, my eyes start to become heavy. "Hey kid, keep your eyes open for me." Tony grabs my hand, I can hear Pietro trying to calm down Wanda. "T-T" "Don't talk, you'll waste your energy. Listen to me. Your a fighter, stay awake for me okay?" Bucky places his hand on my cheek.

My eyes fall close, hitched breaths leaves my mouth and the pain doesn't hurt anymore. The muffled voices are no more, the silence overflows my body.

Natasha's Pov-
"Y/n?" I check her pulse, "Bucky it's slow, very slow. Where is Banner?!". Tony calls Jarvis to bring his suit, "Give her to me, I'll fly her to the hospital." I can't let go of her, my heart is crushing underneath the surface. "Natasha let her go, I'll take you to the hospital." Clint puts his arms around me.

I carefully place her in Tony's arms and watch him fly away. My hands are covered in her blood, I stand before the remaining Avengers and fall into Clint's embrace. "Let's get you cleaned up, we are going to be leaving in 30 minutes. Be ready everyone!".

I step inside the shower, watching her blood drip from my hands into the drain. I can only think about how much pain she is in, she watch her brother die. Her twin brother, all for a pen drive. And now she's been shot by Maria, this girl has been through hell.

• • •

Everyone is waiting in the main room for me. Glancing around everyone they show all the same expressions, Wanda and Pietro are the worst out of everyone. They could be loosing both of their friends today.
"Guys look" Steve points to the TV, Fury is having a Conference.
'On be half of the explosion today, that occurred whilst taking an agents life. We want to send our condolences to Y/n Phoenix, she was one of the two agents to attend the facility before the explosion. The two agents were sent to collect important information about a secret organisation, Shield understands that the loss of an agent shouldn't be ignored."
I scoff at his remarks about the twins, Wanda's eyes are flickering red. She's allowed to be pissed at this, I'll give her that. Fury leaves the stage as Maria makes her entrance.
'I'm agent Maria Hill, I wanted to give my deepest apologies to Y/n Phoenix. An incident occurred today where she didn't only loose a close agent, she lost her brother. Furthermore here at Shield we are very proud to announce a reward for the life of Silas Phoenix, a loved one, a brother, a twin. Thank you all.'
"Isn't she going to talk about how she shot her." Wanda spat out, "And a reward, seriously. That's what Y/n gets after watching her brother die." Pietro argues.
"You guys ready to go? We can discuss this later. Y/n needs us right now." I never knew Steve cared for her like this.

"Come on Nat, she needs you. Let's go see her" Clint grabs my hand, taking me over the cars. Let's go see my girl...

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