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Your Pov-
The alarm blares earlier than I wanted to wake up at,  I whine at the consistent beeping. "Y/n. You need to get off me so I can turn it off." "What if I don't want to move." I groan at her, she gives me a distinctive look which automatically makes me move.

"Can I shower here, I won't have time to shower if I go back to my place. I have an early shift start." She asks, I nod my head. She daringly gives me a peck on the lips, I'm completely paralysed. This bitch just kissed me and walked on.
I listen for the shower door to close, I jump out of bed running to lock my bedroom door, two can play at this game. I slowly turn the door handle making sure no sound is made during the process, once i'm in I carefully shut the door again. Staying out of her direct eye line, I start to strip all my clothes off. I make a break for it when her back turns to me, I make a small gap in the shower door so I can slip in with the least noise possible. This bitch isn't ready for this..

Daisy's Pov-
Y/n's shower is absolutely amazing, the water pressure is just divine. This shower would be more relaxing if I could stop getting shampoo in my eye, I turn around to rinse the product out of my eyes when I feel soft kisses running up my neck. My breath hitches in my throat, two hands roam around my body before being firmly being placed on my waist, slowly I turn around and there she is..fully on display. Her grin is enough to turn me on, god I can't deal with this girl. I crave her touch everywhere, I want her everywhere.

I never imagined myself to be in this position, her finger traces the outline of my jaw down to my neck, then to my shoulder. She slowly moves closer to my ear whispering "I want to make you wait."

Just breathe, breathe.

Her leg wrapped around the back of mine, holding me absolutely still, her hand slowly slips down to my stomach edging closer to the place I crave her most. Regardless of the movement of my hips and hitched breathing silently begging her to touch me, she doesn't. Now would be a good time to remind her not to leave her marks but with her soft kisses trailing over my sweet spot, her teeth sinking into the skin of my neck, I simply can't. My hands lace through her long hair. I dryly swallow before I give into her, I start to plead for her touch. "Please, I'm begging yo-" as fast as I can get the words out her hand flys up to muffle my pleading words to her.

Giving into me her fingers slide easily over my clit, she giggles softly as she feels how wet she's made me during her teasing process. Embarrassingly wet. "Look how desperate my good little girl is." She taunts me. 

Slowly two of her fingers work there way inside of me, she barely pushes a centimetre in, just for preparation. Without warning she pushes all the way in, knuckles deep inside of me, she starts to curl her finger tips, leaving her thumb to lightly caress my clit at the same only sending me flying closer to the edge faster than I could ever imagine. I hold onto her shoulders, tightly gripping on to hold myself in place. She's hitting everything perfectly right, I can't do anything, nor do I want to.

Seconds pass before my mind violently unravels into a pleasuring frenzy, my screams silenced by her hand, she helps me ride out my awaited orgasm. My breathing continues to hitch as she re-curls her fingers as my walls clench, my hips jerk back with the sensitivity but even with my reaction she still continues relentlessly until I restart my high again.

Only this certain time moans turn into cries, she lets go of my mouth as her hand wraps tightly around my throat instead. Her fingers pushing against my pressure point, my legs start to tremble as she yet again coaches me through my orgasm. "Your doing so good, but i'm not done with you yet." she praises.

She drops to her knees kissing my thighs gently, her lips smooth like glaze as they rapidly slide up my skin, reaching my clit. She kisses ever so lightly over and over again until my body completely relaxes for her touch, I felt my nerves burning softly every time her lips touched my skin.
A variety mix of pain and pleasure overruns the confusion of my body as her tongue runs back and fourth over my clit. My mind is battling between begging her to stop and pleading her to continue with this pleasurable torture. It's very hard to tell whether this is a reward or punishment, but I want this..I need this.

My stomach was clenching, my walls re-tightened as my legs shook. She picks me up bringing me over to her bed, placing me down ever so carefully whilst whispering in my ear "Don't tease me again."

Completely mind blown, i'm unable to speak so I hum in agreement to her. "Don't you need to go to work?" she laughs at my flustered messy state she left me in, as I look to my phone knowing i'm already late for work. Great.

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