Flashbacks and Memories

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*Press play*
Wanda's Pov-
*7 Months ago*
I sit down beside both beds, the erratic beeping rings throughout the room, machines connected in all sorts of places. Listening to the sound of their heart monitors telling me they are still clinging on to life is calming, in the sense I know they are fighting with everything they have to get better.

"Hey." I take a breath, "How are you both feeling today?" I look to both of them, "Um, you know I finished my mission early today..because I wanted to see you both." I observe the monitors carefully. "I got our favourite takeout." I smile remembering all the short lived memories. "I wish we could eat it together, that would be nice." I mumble to them, hoping they can hear every word I plead to them.

"I wonder if you both feel okay right now, or if you're in any pain at all..I hope not." I sniffle holding the dam of tears back, "Do you remember what day it is today? Do you?" I look to Y/n, then to Natasha. "It's fine if you don't." I giggle a little. "It's been awhile, but it's is my birthday, i'm finally 24 that's why I came home early." I hum.
"I know it doesn't feel the same, but, at least I can still hold your hands. Like this." I whisper grabbing each of their hands.

"The team and I were sharing our favourite memories with you both, when you were-" I pause to take a breath, "But you know what it's okay, because I still believe that you both can get through this."

I feel tears threatening to exit, "Okay I didn't want today to be such an emotional day, because what more could I ask for. I have you both here with me, I have my favourite food, um, my favourite jacket. The one that you both secretly bought me." I smile at the thought of them sneaking off to buy the jacket for me.
"I thought I could keep you guys company, so I took turns with the rest of the team switching out." I look to their lifeless bodies, trying to keep a strong front. "Honestly, it's been a little bit lonely without you both, um, without your smiles, without your goofy laughs, your warmest hugs and your late night cuddles."

"I-It's so much harder," Breathe. "I-I have so many things to tell you both, you've been missing out on a lot, like a lot." I laugh to myself "Um Pietro is engaged, and um, he left the team and moved away with Daisy...yeah it's been that long, so, I've been missing you both a lot." I mumble clearing my throat, grasping my hands tighter around theirs.

"W-Who do I cook for, or who do I welcome home, who do I give all my cuddles to or who's shoulder am I going to cry on." I take another few short breaths before steadying my emotions.

"Its becoming really, tough, and I feel like it's so- I feel so empty, I don't know what to do anymore without you both. I don't know, I miss everything. If I could just see your eyes again, and have you both tell me that you'll be okay. That's all I need, I've been stealing both of your hoodies a lot." I uttered out the words as best I could, shadowing my emotions from them.
"I'm sorry for that they are just, a lot more comfortable, I do wash them though don't worry. I like the scent of you both on them, makes me feel
like a part of you is still there. I don't know who to talk to, who do I tell my jokes to." I revealed to them, not hiding anything away.

"I know that you wouldn't want to see me cry, it's hard to say that i'm okay, and it's hard to say that it's not your fault, cause your both gone but your not both gone at the same time. I can't decide if I want to let you both go, I-I'm supposed to let you go. Incase you are both worried, I'm okay and I-I'll be okay."
I whimper letting my lip quiver with the overloading sadness.
"It's not your fault, I was blaming you because I wish you were both here, and I wish we were doing beautiful things together, I wish, for us to have a conversation." I lightly press kisses on both their hands, letting my love and affection running against their cold and pale skin, giving them a little bit of extra warmth.

"I love you both." I confessed to them, "I will think of you both every night, it's-I-I swear I wouldn't ask for anything, if you both would come back to me. It's been so hard without you, it's been extremely difficult going on everyday. I have a lot of things going on but with you both not being here,- everyday i'm just, apart of me is missing and I don't- I'm doing all these things but I keep questioning what am I doing. Nobody understands me like you both do, I honestly would do anything for you both, anything it takes to bring you both back here, just to open your eyes. Is that too much to ask for?" I stutter out trying to finish the sentences my heart desires to say.

"Do I have to eat our takeout by myself, or will you both join me?"'I pause, my heart pounding for a simple reply from them. "I guess I can finish it off for you, I'm pretty hungry too, I guess my trick didn't work this time. Usually Y/n would be trying to steal our food Natasha, but I guess she can't now and Natasha you can't get mad at her for it anymore." I let out whimpers of pain, I know that i'm broken, that i'm a mess without them both. I feel like the tears aren't coming out anymore, i've cried too much but they wouldn't want me to cry over them. They would want me to be happy and move on but I-I can't, I don't want to. I never want to.

*Pause video*

I feel myself jolting awake tears streaming down my face, my chest tightened by the memory that pains me to see over and over again in my sleep. I just want them back, I want to feel alive again, I-I need them to make me feel again.

• • •

*26 Hours later*
"I'm going to lay down for a while." I get up looking to the doorway, a figure dark appears.

She's awake.

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