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Silas's Pov-
Strucker has been avoiding our cell block for a few weeks now, still no sign of Y/n either. We are all starting to get worried. Wanda reminded me that it was my birthday in three days, this is going to be the first birthday without Y/n.

"Silas what if something bad has happened to her, what if they are lying to us about her being alive." Wanda pleaded, "We all know Y/n would want to see us, we are her family. Wanda is right something is wrong." Pietro says, I glance up at him knowing he is right. Something is wrong.

-3 Days Later-
"Psst Silas, Happy birthday!" Pietro and Wanda cheered. I felt myself groan, "Happy birthday Y/n" I look up to the sky, hoping she wasn't up there.

A man with a white lab coat comes in, he's a slim built with messy black hair. He walks straight to my cell, "I heard it was your birthday" he snorts.
"Where's my sister" the man just looks at me, "Where is she!" I snapped grabbing his collar through the bars.
"That's enough!" Struckers voice plastered through the room. He walks to Wanda's cell, "Y/n is fine, but now it's your turn" he smiles.

He takes Wanda out of her cell, she reassures me "I'll be okay" she looks to Pietro "For Y/n." She mumbles. I watch as she is trailed out of the room.

Pietro and I exchange glances, "What are we going to do now" he spoke quietly. "No idea" I declared.

-4 Years Later-
It's been four years now, Wanda and Pietro are now twelve, Y/n and I are thirteen. I haven't seen Y/n since we arrived here four years ago, Strucker has been experimenting on all three of us now.
Wanda has gained her powers after she touched the mind stone, whatever that is. Pietro is yet to explain everything about his powers..and mine, mine are in progress.

It's been a few days, no one has came in to test us, it's been very quiet. Wanda whistles everyday to see if Y/n is somewhere out there. I just wish I could know where she is, or even if she's still alive.

-5 Years Later-
It's been five long years, Wanda and Pietro are seventeen, Y/n and I are Eighteen. Absolutely no sign of Y/n these past nine years, we are starting to give up hope that she is still alive.
Our powers have become more advanced over the years, mine started to show two years ago which means i'm still learning. Wanda is amazing with her powers, she still doesn't know the full extent to her yet and Pietro is loving is powers.

We have all learned to like living here instead of our in the streets, we know it's not the best but at least we have food and shelter. Strucker comes to visit us once a day maybe twice, we have grown to know the men in the white coats but no names were exchanged.

"When do you think we will be able to leave this place once and for all" Wanda pulls me out of my thoughts. "Hopefully soon, we are basically adults now. We can survive on our own." I assured her.

Pietro hasn't been much of a talker the past two years, he's been worried about Y/n. I learned to push my feelings aside once I didn't see her for six years. I love my sister dearly, but there is no way she is still alive. It'll be ten years next week from when she first disappeared, Wanda isn't looking forward to it..she misses her best friend.

I miss my sister too, nearly ten long years without her is hard..especially because if she is alive, she'd be all alone.

-6 Days Later-
Tomorrow is the ten year mark since my sister disappeared, Wanda and Pietro are moping around again. I'm trying to hide my feelings about the situation. "Hey, what are we going to do if she is alive, she would have been alone for ten years. We've had each other to keep us company and we've still be struggling.." Wanda trails off.

Strucker walks in, he looks different. Older. Well duh it's been a six days since we last saw him. "I have a surprise for you all tomorrow, but we have bad news also." he states. "Continue" I tell him, "We are going to be under attack tomorrow and I need your assistance to keep us safe, t.." "why should we help" Pietro cuts him off before he can finish. "You will help because Y/n is still alive" he grins, "w-what, she's been alive this whole time!" I shout. "yes, yes she has. Now if you don't help protect our home tomorrow, I will make sure you never see her again!" he roared.
"Who is coming" Wanda whispered, I could tell by her face she was upset that Y/n has been alone all this time. "The Avengers, Now make sure Pietro you are stretched and you two, bring your A-game to this fight!" he grinned. "Yes sir" we announced in sync.

"Now rest up! we have a big day tomorrow!" he says walking out of the room.
"She-She's alive" Wanda stuttered. God she's been alive this whole time, ten whole years alone.

The snores filled the room whilst I still lay here wide awake, thinking about my sister. I wonder how she looks, I wonder if she still has her thick Sokovian accent. "God I miss her" I say to myself as i drift off to sleep.

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