Jealousy part two

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Your Pov-
My head follows Daisy around as she runs around my bedroom getting ready for work, "Y/n can I borrow clothes?" "Sure, whatever fits you can have."
Her stomach rumbles whilst she's searching through my drawers, "I'll go make you some toast, you can take it to go so your not more late and hungry." I laugh at her reaction.

The kitchen is almost empty the team must be training or on a mission, Tony however, is here. It doesn't take long before Daisy is out the door and gone, I can finally relax. "Did you have fun?" I snap my head around "W-What?" "Y/n I heard you and your little friend from the lab, do I need to sound proof the walls?" Tony sneers at me. "Your not funny Stark." He winks at me whilst I roll my eyes at him.

• • •

Today has been boring, no one is around to do anything fun. Everyone is busy doing there own things- maybe I spoke too soon. Two red heads waltz through the door all giggly, I'm glad they had fun today. They don't even notice my existence, but off they go to do whatever. Well if no one is about to have fun, I-I'll just go read a book..Yes. I'll do that.

I plummet down on my bed with a book, this could get interesting.

Two hours later
"Wow chapter 37 was left on a cliffhanger, are you serious. " I mumble throwing the book across the room. I was just about to get up to fetch my book when the two red head rush into my room slamming the door behind them. "Um- can I help you guys?" I nervously ask them, "Did Daisy sleep here?" Natasha questions. "No, she didn't, and if she did it's non of your concern." I lie straight through my teeth.

"I don't believe you, Wanda do it." I look to Wanda confused, I black out for a second then realising she read my mind. I feel violated by them. "You had sex with her?!" Wanda yells, Natasha looks like she wants to kill me. I've had it up to here with them, they act as if they can control me whenever they want, i'm not having it.

I grin knowing how I could piss them off, I turn my back to them both and walk off. Big mistake. Natasha slams me against the wall centimetres away from my face, her eyes flickering from mine to my lips. Wanda stands firmly beside her staring into my soul, "You know not every girl is trying to fuck me." I spat out at them both, "You'd be surprised." Nat's grip gets tighter as she makes her snarky comment. "You can't tell me who I can and can't have sex with, because that's none of your fucking business." I snap, receiving deafening stares from them.
"Did you have sex with her." my eyes shoot to Wanda's "Oh my god" I shove Natasha out of the way. Wanda's eyes trace over with red whilst Nat's fists tighten, "What if I did?" I say daringly to them, I've already pissed them off..what's the harm in having fun.  "What?" they both snap, "You heard me." they return glances, moving closer to me. "What if I did." the red heads seemingly don't like the fact I had sex with her, let's have fun.

I walk closer to them, "What you don't like that?" I say pouting at them, "You don't like the idea of her hands being all over my body..touching me?" I whisper tucking hair behind Natasha's ear, her jaw clenching at my touch, the power I hold over them is phenomenal. Natasha takes a step back, Wanda's turn. "Don't you want to know what we did, how she touched me, how I touched her. Moaning my name." I say edging closer to Wanda, "mph Y/n." I imitate Daisy's words, whispering them into Wanda's ear.

"Enough, that's enough." She slams me back against the wall, Natasha grins at Wanda's sudden change in behaviour. I notice her eyes move down to my lips, are they jealous? I only wonder.

I have an idea, yes. It's stupid, but I'm curious. I make my thoughts as loud as possible hoping Wanda can hear them. "Kiss me." Her head swings round and meets my eyes, she definitely heard me, Natasha is shooting confused looks at her. "I know you want to, so kiss me." She looks to my lips, "Come on Wands, I know that's what this is about. Now are you going to kiss me or make me wait longer."

Natasha being the smart ass she is caught on to what I was doing, "Wanda? Snap of it, she's messing with you." She says, "Wanda kiss me, do it. It's your only chance, come on be a good girl." She slams her eyes shut letting go of me, I slip out away from them both. "I gave you the chance, you didn't take it. I'll see you both around." I wink at them both before heading to the kitchen.

The kitchen and main room are still completely empty, well that means I can make anything I want, what do I want to eat. I'm deep in thought about food when my phone starts ringing, "Unknown caller" I say to myself.


I pause, I can hear breathing on the other end.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

Unknown Caller
"Is this Agent Phoenix?"

"This is her, how may I help you?"

"How fast would you be able to arrive to our location before she bleeds out?"

My breath hitches, she? I sprint back to my room seeing the two red heads are safe, my mind is running rouge. "Y/n? What's wrong." Natasha asked.

"Before who bleeds out?"

My heart is thumping in my chest, i'm pretty sure Wanda can hear it. I'm going over everyone that could be in danger, i'm forgetting someone.

"Agent Johnson.."

I hear the laughter erupt through the other end of the call.  My heart stops, fear over runs my body. I can see that Natasha and Wanda are worried about me.

"Better hurry Agent Phoenix, she needs you to save her."

I'm completely paralysed, they hung up the call before I even got another word out. My phone vibrates again making me flinch.

Unknown Number
Sharing a Live location.

I'm shaking, I'm scared. I need to find her, before I could make another mistake or lose another loved one, without consulting the team with what happened I sprit to the cars in the garage and take off. Looking in the wing mirror I see Natasha and Wanda in the distance, not today, they aren't the ones I need to worry about.

I'm coming love, hold on for me.

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