The Barton's

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Your Pov-
"Would you like a coffee Y/n?" Laura asks, "Yes please, that would be nice thank you." She gives me a warm smile. It's 07:46am and crashing footsteps beckon down the stairs, it's the kids i'm assuming.
They all race into the kitchen and stare at me, not awkward at all. "Kids stop starring, it's rude." Clint's says laughing seeing my discomfort, "Sorry dad" a little girl says and I smile at her.

"Kids this is Y/n Phoenix, Y/n these are my kids. Cooper, Lila and Laura is currently pregnant with another boy." I smile "Hi guys, Congratulations Laura. That's amazing." "Can I tell her" Clint eagerly asks his wife and she nods.

"We our naming our son Nathaniel Silas Barton." He smiles at me, tears gloss over my eyes "Really?" my voice cracks. "Lila and Cooper decided on the name after they heard the news, and we thought it would be a great name." I start to cry "Thank you" I say wiping the tears away "Family hug!" Cooper shouts, Everyone laughs.

• • •

It's been two weeks since I arrived at Clint's house, we decided to stay longer as there was no up coming missions. Clint has been helping me train in his barn, which is helpful. He's also teaching me archery, as he's the best. "Bullseye!" I yell, Cooper claps at my win. "You know dad she's going to beat you one day." I laugh at Lila's smart comment.

I've felt apart of this family ever since I arrived, they have been so welcoming and helpful. I feel stress free and I don't have a care in the world. Clint gets a phone call and wonders off for a while, when he comes back I knew we had a mission. "Where, When and why?" I ask him "Something called Ultron was created and has went rogue around the world, so we are unsure of a location." I give him a confused look "Y/n if your not ready you can stay here." Laura adds, I smile at her "No it's okay, I'm ready to kick some ass." Laura and Clint laugh.

We say goodbye to everyone and I ensure them i'll come visit soon, and we're off. For another long car ride, we were sent files to read over. So i decided to read them out loud so Clint didn't have to rush to read them.

We arrive at the compound very early in the morning, I would have said around two. I was shattered, I wanted proper sleep. I'm stumbling towards my room as I drop my bag and flop onto my bed, I wriggle under the duvet and my eyes flutter shut.
I wake up to my dumbass alarm going off 07:00am god i'm tired. I jump out of bed and head for the shower, after I get a shower and have fresh clothes on I start to unpack my things.

I'm pretty sure no one knows that Clint and I came back last night, I walk into the kitchen and see Natasha's hands around Wanda's waist. I stand completely puzzled at the sight, didn't they hate each other a few weeks ago? I walk in and sit down, both of them staring at me. "When did you get home?" I didn't want to hear it, so I got up and left.

I found Bucky and Steve in the training room, "Hey Y/n, looks like you've been training a lot." they smile at me "Clint kept me up to schedule and he also taught me archery." "Wait seriously, he wouldn't even teach me. Dick" I laugh at Steve's jealousy, "Hey language!" Bucky says punching his arm.

"You guys know where Tony is, I need to talk to him about this mission." "Check downstairs, or the lab. He could also be in the conference room too." Bucky says. "Thanks." I wave at them on the way out.

I walk into the lab I find Tony and Bruce, "Hey guys, what's this miss-" "Y/n! Your back! This calls for a party, Jarvis alert everyone that there is a party at 20:00pm sharp." Tony says. "Also Y/n I made you a safe space in the forest you like to go to, Banner and I modelled it for you. You should go check it out!" Tony states. "Okay I will!" I say walking out the door "Remember the party! Don't be late!" He yells at me.

I walk past the kitchen, I don't give them a second look as they are flirting with each other. I grab my coat and head to my safe space.

Natasha's Pov-
Wanda and I planned to make Y/n jealous by flirting with each other, whilst Y/n was away we were practicing out flirting skills. We ended up catching feelings for one another, and here we are. Y/n won't even look in our direction anymore, it hurts.
Wanda is upset because we might've lost her for god knows what reason.

We both wonder where she is disappearing off to though, we still both love her. Maybe we can find away to make this work, but anyway enough worrying about that. We have a party to attend too, It's already 18:00pm we have 2 more hours.

• • •

There's 30 minutes until the party starts, Wanda and I are wearing matching black jumpsuits, whilst all the boys are in suits. We are starting to set up the party as Y/n waltzes through pushing past people and running to her room, everyone looks at Clint. "Guys she's okay, she healed whilst she's was away. She doesn't like being late, she still needs to get ready." Clint smiles.

The party's about to start as I see Steve and Bucky talking clearly they are planning something, and so I got curious. "Wanda read Steve's mind." without questioning me, her face drops. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned, "He's going to ask Y/n to accompany him to the party." "What!" I say. We both look for him but he's already gone, dammit.

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