Search and Rescue

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Daisy's Pov-
Fury called an emergency meeting which can only mean something is wrong, badly wrong. The briefing room is filled with agents, I sit down beside the window far away from everyone else so I can cautiously observe everything.
"Thank you all for coming in such a sort notice, I called this meeting as I need the necessary skill sets of you all. An agent is missing, we are issuing a search and recuse mission to located the missing agent. The Avengers will be in assistance to this mission so if you have any questions please direct them to myself or the Avengers." Fury states.
The Avengers are here for a mission meaning I finally get to see Y/n, I race around looking for her but she isn't with the rest of her team. I'm starting to worry, maybe she's getting food or maybe she's busy.

I see Natasha and Wanda talking briefly, they look stressed. Pietro is a nervous wreck, wasn't he on a mission with Y/n? I can ask him where she is. "Pietro hey, do you happen to know where Y/n is?" I ask basically jumping for joy, "Um- I-" "Daisy that's what we need to talk to you about." Clint barges in.

"What's happened. Where is she. Answer me." I slam my hands against the door, "She's the missing agent." Natasha says coldly. My heart sinks, I can't think straight. She's missing and I-I didn't even know, no one told me. "So she's missing, okay. I need to calm down before I blow up, when do we leave?" I say panicking "Breathe Daisy, Breathe. We leave shortly." Clint pulls me into his embrace.

I haven't felt this internal fear for anyone, but her. She's different. I notice Wanda hasn't spoke a word to anyone since her arrival, i'm curious to why she hasn't. "What's wrong with her." I point over in Wanda's direction. "She's scared that Y/n may be hurt, Wanda can normally feel Y/n's presence but she's unable to." Steve says. I was dying to ask more questions but Fury announced our departure.

• • •

Arriving in Sokovia sent shivers vibrating up my spine, this place looks like a war zone. Over looking the town it's just chaos and destruction everywhere, she's been here by herself for hours. Pietro wasn't cleared for this mission as he would be collateral damage to the search and rescue.
Natasha is the first person to leave the jet when we landed, someone's eager to find her. I know Y/n like the back of my hand, I spent five years visiting her..I know her better than they do. 

I start to look around the places I know she would hide, most of them came out empty handed. It's disappointing that she's always thrown to the side, she deserves better and to me..this isn't better for her.

It's been a few hours since the search began, everyone is exhausted but i'm not ready to give up. Fury called for a well earned break but I ignored his orders, we aren't going to find her sitting around on our asses. Looking for places she could be is harder than I thought, if Silas was here he would know where she was. Thinking back to the things we talked about when she was locked up kept giving me the same answer, Stars. She always wanted to see the stars at night.
It hit me hard in the face, she would be star gazing. I look for the tallest building near by and start sprinting towards it, I must of caught the attention of the others because they weren't far behind me.

Scaling up a building full speed is not easy I can tell you that, God I only hope that she's okay and that she's completely safe. The others are searching the floors, but I know she won't be there. The roof is where she'll be.
I burst through the door and there she is, sleeping peacefully as nothing has happened. I quietly walk over to her, "Y/n, it's time to go home." I lightly shake her but she doesn't respond. My coms are going crazy as everyone to trying to communicate with each other. "Y/n it's Daisy." I shake her again, she should be waking up..s-she's meant to be waking up.

I shake her a little more violently, her eyes open slowly "Oh thank god, you fucking scared me. Jesus Y/n." shes seriously laughing at me right now, honestly this girl is crazy. "I've got her, rooftop." I say over coms, hearing the rapid footsteps coming towards us. It's heart warming to see how much they care for her, but I know deep down she's still feels betrayed by them.

• • •

The ride home was bearable, enough. I was glad when we landed at the compound, Y/n had fallen asleep as soon as we took off. I picked her up carefully bridal style and walked to her bedroom, I can feel the deja vu all over.

She's so peaceful when she sleeps, so angelic. I made sure that I tucked her in tight with her favourite blankets, she has a hold on my heart and she doesn't even realise. "Stay." I turn to look at her, "I want you to stay." she breathes. She pats the empty space beside her, "Thank you, I don't want to be alone." I smile at her honesty, she's so precious.

We must of drifted off to sleep, I try to move but i'm firm in place as I look down to see her laying on top of me. Butterflies flutter through my stomach, I gently move the hair covering her face. Her features are shining in the moonlight.

"You know I don't know what I'd do if I lost you, you scared me today. I-I couldn't wake you up, I was panicking because I thought I lost you forever. I never want that to happen Y/n, you know there's so many things I could say to you right now but I feel that this isn't the right time." I pause whilst she stirs "I wanted you to know that I love you, I stupidly fell in love with you. God Y/n everything about you is perfect, I want to give you the feeling of safety. I don't want you to ever feel alone, I love you Y/n Phoenix." I whisper drifting off to sleep.

"I love you too Johnson."

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