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Silas's Pov-
Her scream ricocheted throughout the cell block, everyone jolting up to their cell doors. "Y/N!" I scream, I feel myself collapsing to the floor.
Wanda and Pietro are exchanging worried looks.
I see Strucker walking into our cell block "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" I pleaded in desperation. His smirk turned my stomach, he walked closer to my cell. "She was willing to do whatever to keep you three safe, I would be thanking her." he cackled out.

"What are you doing to her!" Pietro queried, his eyes darting to mine. I watch as Strucker laughs and walks away. "She is the next biggest thing!" he yells laughing.

Wanda gave me a reassuring look. "She wanted to keep us safe, t-that's my job. I'm-I'm the oldest." I cry out, curling into a ball on the floor.

Your Pov-
I feel numb, my body felt stiff as I tried to sit up. My eyes fail to open, "where am I?" I ask myself. I can feel the coldness underneath me which means i'm still on the table. I try to open my eyes once more, by my surprise they open. Trying to adjust to the light I hear the door open, footsteps becoming louder and Strucker appears in my blurry vision.

"You're awake" he mummers quietly. I only wonder if he didn't want me to wake up, "Am I not meant to be awake?" I ask sternly.
"Of course you are meant to be awake, you were sleeping for a week. Your friends are worried and your brother wants to see you." he looks concerned at me, "Only if you want to see them." he adds.

I want to see them, but my body is telling me something different. Before I can even answer my self my head shakes "No it's okay, I'd like to carry on."
I only wonder if they control my body.

Silas's Pov-
"It's been a week, a whole week and no sign of Y/n" Wanda cried, "This isn't fair, what are they doing to her. She wouldn't let us stay here by ourselves." Pietro added.
I feel myself  let out a scoff and they turn to me. "Y/n would leave us here if she knew we were safe.." I stop myself from saying anymore when Strucker walks in.
"She doesn't want to see you, she woke up" he glances at me watching my expression change, "She doesn't want to see us? Lies, she's my twin sister!" I bang on the bars of the cell.

A man with a white coat approaches the doorway, faint whispers fill the room. I could only make out some of their conversation "something...wrong...powers..". Struckers face changed. "I want to see my sister, I want to need to see her"
"You can see her when she's ready" he groaned as he left the cell block.

"Wanda your whistle!" Pietro gasped out. "What about my whistle?"
That's right, Y/n had a special whistle with Wanda. They used it to tell each other that they were safe.
"Your whistle with my sister, remember you both had a secret whistle!"

I watch as Wanda comes to the realisation of what Pietro and I are talking about. "Yes! the whistle! Okay okay, ready"
Wanda whistles, it's shoots through the cell block and we listen for the echo. We were sure Y/n would have heard it, maybe she didn't. Wanda tried a few more times, nothing. Just silence.

"Did you hear that?!" Pietro squirms in his seat. "Shh listen" he says.
A very faint and weak whistle echos through the doorway. "It has to be her" Wanda yells, "She sounds weak, very weak" I hear my voice break, as the twins looked at me worried.

Your Pov-
I'm struggling to whistle back to Wanda, i'm so tired. I don't know what they did to me but it's exhausting. I just want to see my brother and my friends again.

"Y/n?" Strucker taps on the metal bars, I jump up leaving my thoughts. "You ready for another test?" he spoke softly. "Um yeah, ready as i'll ever be" I lied, I didn't want the others to go through this pain..but I knew at some point I wouldn't be able to do it anymore.

He carefully opened my cell door, I tried to stand up but I couldn't. I fell straight to the floor, Strucker cautiously lifted me up and guided me out of my cell. Walking past cell block four, I could hear their whispers. I wanted to see them but I was completely paralysed.
I felt the coldness on my back, but this was different. It was a metal chair, they tightened the restraints around my wrists as it sent chills up my arms.
"This will hurt, but not for long. Here take this" Strucker places something into my mouth "If it hurts, bite on it. Okay?".
The machine placed into my face on both sides. What the hell was this thing.
All of a sudden it started, the pain was unbearable. My muffled screams filled the room, some doctors flinched at my screams.
I could feel myself slipping away, this wasn't like the others. This was different, more pain.

Strucker's back was facing me, did he care about me? He always seemed to have a soft spot for me, he was tense. "Sir, what if this kills her?" an anonymous man pronounced. "Then watch her vitals! If she dies on your watch, you will regret it!" Strucker snapped at the man.

"Take her to the Cryogenic sleep chambers!" Strucker demand, "How long for sir?" a man announced.
"Ten years minimum, I have other test subjects to deal with!" he sneered out.

I felt myself slip in and out of consciousness... and that was it, I couldn't move or do anything. I was with my thoughts, once again. Total darkness.

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