Super Solider

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Your Pov-
"Open the chamber"
I hear the door release, the fresh air fills my body.
"Hello Y/n, It's been along time. Ten years to be exact, you are eighteen now" Strucker sneers at me.

My whole body feels stiff, but I manage to step out of the chamber into to the room filled with people. Everyone staring at me, my eyes lead back to Strucker as he pronounces these words "Тоска, ржавый, семнадцать, рассвет, печь, девять, доброжелательный, возвращение домой, один, товарный вагон" (Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak, furnace, nine, benign, homecoming, one, freight car) . "Ready to comply sir! What is my next mission!" I say confidently, "Follow me solider" he grins.
Walking around this place seems familiar, everyone's faces seem familiar too but I can't quite remember.

We walk into cell block four, three prisoners laying in bed. As Strucker bangs on the metal poles, "I have a surprise for you" he sneers out. The red-head girl speaks first "Y/n? Is that really you?", then a dark haired boy speaks "Y/n hi, it's yo-it's really you" he cries out.
I stand still arms behind my back as I glance around the room, my eyes leading back to Strucker "Who are these people, and who's this Y/n they are talking about?".
The blonde hair boy stands up looking confused, "What have you done with my sister!" the brown haired boy snaps. "I told you she had potential, ten years of hard work. She will be the best assassin in the world!" Strucker told them. They all looked at me, they all looked lost.

I don't know who these people are but they know me. This is strange, all I can think about it my next mission. That's all I want.
"Sir do you have a mission for me?" I questioned, the three prisoners turned to Strucker. "What the hell is she talking about 'a mission'. What have you done to her!" the brown haired boy shrieked, "She over went tests for the past ten years, we injected her with a serum. I can control her when I want to, she only listens to me and no one else." Strucker preached.

The sound of the alarm startled Strucker, we were under attack. He looks quickly at me and walks over to the cells. He opens them one by one, the three prisoners stand in a line.

"We are under attack by The Avengers, you need to keep this place safe. This is your home, if you fail
Y/n will pay the price. Do you understand me?" They all nod at him, he turns to me and places his hands on each of my arms. "Solider, protect us at all costs. This is why you were made, for this moment. Kill whoever gets in your way, take down The Avengers" I nod at him "Yes Sir!".

I find myself and the three prisoners walking outside, they run off to fight the Avengers around the woods whilst I fight the ones coming straight towards me.
A red-head comes straight towards me and I easily slam her to the ground, "We have enhanced-forces on the field" a man with a shield says.

I run directly at him, he throws his shield towards me, I catch it and I throw it back. It strikes him, I watch him fall to the ground. Whilst I was distracted a flying man went over my head and into the building, before I could do anything the red-head grabbed me and threw me to the floor. A green mutant held me down whilst the rest fought, struggling to get out I gave up.

-2 Hours Later-
The fight started to calm down as The Avengers got what they came for, I was still under this big green thing. I had no idea where Strucker or the other prisoners were.

"Let's get her to the jet" the man with the shield stated, I watch as the red-head puts cuffs around my hands and legs and escorts me to their jet.

Silas's pov-
Pietro and I managed to keep the man with the bow busy, whilst Wanda did her thing with the others. We had no sight on what Y/n was doing, the fight lasted a little longer than I expected.

We decided to regroup, Wanda let out a groan. "For a first fight, this was shitty."

"I agree with Wanda, what was the purpose of this. What did the Avengers come for?" I questioned. I looked around, I slowly moved around the trees. "Where is she, where is my sister. Where did she go!"I fall to my knees as the twins rush over to me "I only just got her back" I cried out into Wanda's shoulder.

The twins and I rush into the base, everyone is dead. Strucker escaped when he had the chance. What is this, a suicide mission? "Guys come look at this, there is a jet landing outside". I looked over at Wanda confused to what Pietro was talking about. He was right, a jet had landed. Two people emerged from the doors walking towards the base. We find ourselves running towards the front doors, as we see them approach cautiously.

"We are not here to hurt you, we are here to help you. We understand that you have been here for a while and we want to offer you all a chance to work with us." The red head confidently said.
"We know you are confused and that this is a lot to take in, we know your sister is being control by Hydra. We have her safely at our compound, we can take you to see her." A man spoke briefly.
I nod in agreement, as the twins quickly follow the interaction.

"Follow us, we will take you to your new home" The red head smiled as we all boarded the jet and took off.

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