The Accident

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Wanda's Pov-
I wanted to help Y/n as much as I can which meant that I have to put my jealous feelings aside, I wanted to get her the warmest clothes I could find. It took me little over 5 minutes to find warm clothes, I started to make my way into her room "Y/n I got you some clothes, you ready to get out?" no reply, "Y/n? You okay?" still no reply. What the hell, why isn't she answering me. I'm staring at the bathroom door, I didn't want to intrude on her, but then I was worried something had happened. I push through the door..I was right.

Her head was underneath the surface of the water, no movement "Y/N! Y/N!" I grab her lifeless body, it was stone cold. "SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!" I shriek hoping someone would hear me, Nat bursts through the door "Oh my god Y/n! What the hell happened" she looks at me for answers "I-I-I don't
k-know I left to go get clothes and came back to her like t-this" tears start forming in my eyes, "Jarvis alert banner to get the medical room set up and get Bucky up here now!" Nat's voice is stern, "Help me get this wrapped around her" I totally forgot she was undressed, we quickly wrapped a towel around her.

Bucky's Pov-
Jarvis alerted for the medical room to be prepared and for me to come up to Y/n's room, something is badly wrong. I race up to her room, I see Wanda in tears and Nat trying to keep a strong hold on her emotions whilst she is doing CPR on  Y/n, "Let's get her to Banner NOW!" I can't contain my emotions whilst seeing her lifeless on the floor.

Silas was already seated in the medical room waiting as I carried her in, Bruce immediately starts connecting her to machines. "Her pulse is very low" Bruce says whilst injecting her with ibuprofen, Silas hasn't said a single word since Jarvis alerted us. He was clearly in shock as was Wanda, Pietro was the only one holding Y/n's hand and mumbling words to her.

"Bucky she will be ok-" "Don't." I cut Steve off, "Don't you dare tell me she will be okay, not a single one of you know what it's like to have hydra take control of your body. The constant feeling of being there but not in control, having your freedom stripped away from you with one injection. Brain washing and constant assassination missions, then for you to be pulled out of that trance into reality. She is 18 years old, her body cannot cope with the sudden change. So no she won't be okay!" I snap at him and I release the breath I was holding.

• • •

I've been waiting for Y/n to wake up for a full day now, she has been showing signs of improvement but I just want her to be okay.
"How she doing?" Nat asks, "She's doing better." I managed to mumble out the words, "Bucky look" I give Nat a confused look as I feel Y/n's hand twitch in mine. Her body is back to it's normal temperature, she's finally waking up. "B-Bucky?" I quickly pull her into a hug, "I'm here Y/n, I'm here."

"Nat go tell the others she is awake, I don't want to leave her alone." I can feel my eyes start to gloss over, "Your okay, I got you." I force a smile.

Wanda rushes down first "Y/N! oh my god never do that to me again, I-I thought I lost you. P-Please don't ever do that to me, don't leave me" I watch as Wanda becomes hesitant around Y/n. "Come here" I take Wanda's hand and place it in Y/n's.

Silas's Pov-
'I couldn't watch my sister endure more pain, I wanted to switch places with her. Her life was stripped away from her, god if only i could turn back time' I finished the last sentence in my journal as Natasha rushes in to my room, "She's awake, Y/n is awake."
I jumped out of my chair and ran towards the stairs, missing every other step I find myself staring at her. She was awake, she was there, she was Y/n. I carefully approached her, I didn't want to scare her. She grabs me into a tight hug, "Oh Y/n" I start to fall apart in her grasp.

"I've missed you" she ruffles my hair, "How are you? Are you in any pain? Do need something to eat?" I lightly grab her hands. I wanted to take care of my sister, I wanted to take her pain away. "I'm okay Silas, all I need is you guys here with me".

I glance over to Bucky who seems to be watching everyone carefully, I knew he cared for Y/n and that Y/n sees him as a father figure. "Bucky can we talk outside?" he nods his head and I pull away from Y/n.

"I need your help, you understand what she is going through and I need you to support her. I know you care for her, I just don't know how to make her feel comfortable and safe. I feel that if I ask to many questions I'll scare her off, but if I ask to little she'd think I don't care."
"Silas your sister is strong and she will get through this, I will always be here to help you guys. I was in hydra for many years and I understand the pain and suffering all four of you endured at the time. You will all have bad days where the nightmares feel real and the memories come alive, but you will also have good days where you move on and use your past for better things. You all suffered to all different extents, I'll be here for all of you." he gives me a reassuring look.

"Thank you Bucky" I smile at him knowing we are now safe.

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